Unto the Beyond, Beyond Beyond the grasp of our human wisdom, - TopicsExpress


Unto the Beyond, Beyond Beyond the grasp of our human wisdom, and beyond the power of our human intellection, and beyond the sphere of our physical world, there lies an invisible preternatural sphere where the occult world exists in which paranormal phenomena precede. This invisible world of the occult that lies in the intangible façade in the physical sphere has ever since been the subject of an unending controversy and fiery debates between pseudo-science and religion, between superstition and medicines and between idolatry and divinity. Men and women who have allegedly gifted with paranormal dimension have been with us since time immemorial and the accounts of the unexplained phenomena they produced continue to fascinate the world not only in yesterdays but more so even today. In the Christian world contemporary life and human understanding people need enlightenment and proper guidance on the line of their Christian belief how to shun away from adhering the occult world rather than embracing this satanic belief by endangering their souls to fall. Pseudo Christians are abound in the world. Occult believers and adherents are so rampant everywhere. Spiritists alone one of the occult sophistication in the field of faith healing, in l97l alone it was estimated to have seventy-one million adherents in the Americas alone At time when yours truly first exposed faith healing in the whole world in l985 in his book entitled The Truth Behind Faith Healing a bold reaction from occult enthusiast came in from Germany of Dr. Phil Jurgen Aubeck. He raised a question which run like this: “How come that faith healing is demonic”? He claimed that he has been in the Philippines for quite number of years researching about faith healing, and he strongly asserted that he has found no demons in faith healing. whatsopever. Yes, Dr. Aubeck has found no demons in his research work on faith healing, as what he claimed. But what were his types of devices or art of instruments he used or employed as basis of his finding. Was it only on mere basis of what his eyes has seen or perceived? In simple reason the demons are neither tangible nor visible entities. They are spirits in all eternities, invisible by the naked eyes, untouchable by the human hands, unreachable by the human senses. Did Dr. Aubeck ever use the supernatural gauge through by divine source as well as the charismata of the Holy Spirit to enable him grasp and prove that there is no demons behind faith healing. To pinpoint the demon is not an easy task. But through the supernatural gift of knowledge. wisdom, and discernment of spirit along with competent studies with the teachings and doctrines of the Catholic Church as guide the demon has no way to hide on nor camouflage but can be pinpointed on the spot on faith healer. But out of relying merely of your own natural ability, your own natural wisdom and knowledge, your scholarly acquired knowledge. wisdom whatsoever, with only the aid of your sharp eyes is too far from being able to tell whether the demon is around or is not around The demons are erstwhile detractor of natural and spiritual spheres. They are all-time spirits in all eternity and operate beyond the level of our natural sphere. They cannot be reached by our own human resources. And besides they are so cunning and all-high master on deception and pretense to hide their own identity. In other words the demons belong beyond the level of our nature. Our naked eyes cannot see them, our hands cannot touch them, our human knowledge and wisdom cannot fathom them, computer and detector cannot detect them, canine cannot sniff them. What else that could lead us to know that the demon is there or not. If Dr. Aubeck claimed that he has found no demons in occult art of faith healing in the Philippines, what was perhaps his proof to back up that claim. The paranormal occult art of faith healing is itself the ground art of demons. Faith healers themselves are only used as visible instrument, all of them are deceived because of weaker foundation of their faith. They are just led to believe that the power manifesting in faith healing comes from God. But the truth is that it has manifested from the evil camp. Like a psychic healer Che Arigo of Brazil whose alleged spirit of the dead Dr, Rodolf Fritz had entered the body of Che. It was not the spirit of Dr. Fritz that entered but the truth was that it was the demon’s spirit in pretense as Dr. Fritz The teaching of the Catholic Church is very clear that no spirit of a the dead shall enter the body of a living person. If there is any of this to happen, it’s the wotk of demons. After man dies his soul returns to God to face immediately the particular judgment. The soul has no business anymore to the living on earth. The Eastern religions teach all about this falsehood, you must not believe it, like what they profess on reincarnation, it’s the affair of demons. To repeat, the faith healers are just victim of a false truth. Through the teaching of the Catholic Church the art ol faith healing false under the sin of the first commandment because faith healers have their own occult gods. Beyond and beyond of this evil affair down-under of the preternatural world, Christian Catholic we ought not to be deceived or renounce your belief on faith healing if ever you were deceived.
Posted on: Thu, 27 Jun 2013 09:49:57 +0000

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