Untuk perhatian ahli ISMA/ulat bigotry, Below find some of the - TopicsExpress


Untuk perhatian ahli ISMA/ulat bigotry, Below find some of the evidence we could get our hands on to reinforce your claim of “how dangerous an enemy Karpal Singh was for Islam”. Exhibit A - He fought for a Muslim lady who was dismissed from office for wearing purdah. Exhibit B - He spoke against government of Singapore which disallowed Muslim female students to put on tudung to school. Exhibit C - He was among the first to honour Imam Muda Asyrafs first place finish in 2010 Astros Imam Muda Programme. As for hudud, let me repeat the comment made by Prof. Hafidzi Mohd Noor which I wholeheartedly concur: “Bagi saya, yang akan menggagalkan hudud atau syariat islam bukan individu spt Karpal Singh tetapi yang berpotensi menggagalkan maksud hudud dan syariat apabila ia dilaksanakan nanti ialah kegagalan kita mendukong konsep Adalah - keadilan sebenar”. And Ill have you know, contrary to popular belief, he was not against hudud because he abhorred Islam. Its simply because according to the Federal Constitution, Malaysia is not an Islamic country, no matter how many or how huge an LCD/LED projector we build in endeavours to show otherwise to people of other parts of the world. In the words of late Karpal Singh; “The DAP’s stand against hudud is clear... The Federal Constitution provides for a secular state. So you cannot have in a secular state an Islamic law in the form of hudud. In a secular state, we cannot have laws other than secular laws”. One last thing, a few months back I had the chance to attend this one event - Kolokium Pemikiran Islam in which one of the presenters highlighted to us of the fact that it was the divine monarchs Raja-Raja Melayu who didnt want Islam to be the official religion of Tanah Melayu. In the report, the presenter quoted; ... It would not be desirable to insert some declaration such as has been suggested that the Muslim faith or Islamic faith be the established religion of the Federation. ((C0889/1, laporan penghujahan peguam mewakili Raja-Raja Melayu; sila rujuk juga kepada Joseph M. Fernando, The Making of the Malayan Constitution, MBRAS Monograph No. 31, 2007 (2nd Impression), ms. 129.)) So before you blame DAP or any right-minded Muslims for disagreeing with implementation of hudud (on the basis of the content of the Federal Constitution, not of hudud itself), you might want to consider re-direct that anger of yours to your faultless Raja-Raja Melayu first. p/s: Im all for hudud too, that has always been my stance when I first learned about hudud. That said, for the law to be implemented, for me, I need some assurance from those in power that they will hold fast to the concept of adalah in Islam in a way that no one should be above the law, not even the royal families.
Posted on: Fri, 18 Apr 2014 04:37:44 +0000

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