Up at 4:29 am thinking how strange, spooky and false teachings are - TopicsExpress


Up at 4:29 am thinking how strange, spooky and false teachings are creeping into the Nation Of Islam. We need to re-evaluate what was originally taught and practiced in the NOI. And remember the Words and Wisdom of Messenger Elijah Muhammads message. At the present rate we will either get back on the straight path, or stumble around a crooked course that takes us full circle: away from that mystery god and right back to another mystery god. It is like a nation of slaves having their chains broken and then running and making some new chains and re-enslaving themselves and coming right back to their former slave masters and begging them to re-enslave them. As long as the Nation Of Islam rejects unity strange doctrines, superstitions, grafted lies, tricknology and spookism will continue to Europeanize the FOI and MGT. We will be a Nation in name only. We will be ashamed of the very name of the Supreme Allah, (God) who came in the person of the Master Fard Muhammad, (to whom all praises are due forever). We will continue to be deceived into thinking that we have a better solution and program for our peoples problems than the one given to us by the First, Last and Only --- Messenger of Allah, the most Honorable Elijah Muhammad. For the perfecting of the Saints [Angels of Allah], for the work of the Ministry, for the edifying of the Body of Christ [FOI/MGT]: Until we come in the UNITY of the faith [New Islam as taught by Messenger Elijah Muhammad], and of the Knowledge of the Son of God [Master Fard Muhammad], unto A PERFECT MAN [Paragon or God in Person by Nature], unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ [Crusher of Falsehoods]: That we from now on be no more immature followers, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine [spooky, grafted, tricks being taught in Temples, Mosques, Masjids, Schools, Churches and Synagogues all over the world, on CDs, DVDs, websites, YouTube, Twitter, FaceBook, Newspapers, Magazines and on street corners world wide], by the sleight of men [magic, myths and mayhem], and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to DECEIVE. - Bible, (Ephesians 4:12-14). Naturally the 10%ers, [Rich Slave makers of the Poor] will fail in their attempts to crush the truth and to rewrite our-story into a grafted version of their selfish fables. The Word, Works and Wonders of Messenger Elijah Muhammad speak for themselves. In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. 1. Woe to every slanderer, defamer! 2. Who amasses money and counts it -- 3. He thinks that his wealth will make him last for all time. 4. No, he will certainly be hurled into the crushing disaster; [Al-hutamah is derived from hatima, meaning it became broken into pieces. The name is applied to Hell on earth, because conscious thought crushes the subconscious thought when the spooky ideas come into it]. 5. And what will make you realize what the crushing disaster is? 6. It is the Fire kindled by Allah [in Person]. 7. Which rises over the hearts [Mind or Mentalities]. 8. Surely it is closed in on them, 9. In extended columns, [inordinate desires will extend from generation to generation]. -- Holy Quran Surah 104, Ayats 1-9 Al-Humazah: THE SLANDERER should we be ashamed to confess the Truth publicly before our ever open enemies of both the Truth and of the Black Man or deny the Name of Allah, who came in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad, to whom praises are due forever, for the non-love and friendship of an evil people who were made by nature to hate and mistreat other Black People of the earth, we should be condemned to HELL-FIRE along with the enemies of God. To be ashamed to confess the God of our salvation makes us unworthy of that Gods help and salvation which He has brought to us....There are many Black Educators, Scholars, and Scientists who try to keep the false friendship of white people. They dare not accept the Name of God which shall live. Being ashamed of your own God and your own Self before this evil world is like eating fire. By Messenger Elijah Muhammad, (Our Saviour Has Arrived, pages 187, 188) February 26, 1974. These myths, tricks and grafted ideas will be short lived. The raw/war teachings of Messenger Elijah Muhammad will meet and overcome all obstacles in its path.
Posted on: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 10:13:30 +0000

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