Up early for our short trip to Bangkok. Nats feeling better and - TopicsExpress


Up early for our short trip to Bangkok. Nats feeling better and has breakfast. We are ready for pickup by 8.20am. Goodbye Chanmal. We go around picking up other passengers. Back to the depot by 8.50am ready for a 9.00am departure. 6 hours to Bangkok by mini-van. The mini-van seats 15 without luggage. We have 13 plus luggages. Hope no one farts. An uneventful journey to the border....not. Drivers in Asia was to scare the shit out of western travellers. We reach the border. Baggage will meet us in no mans land. 15 minutes to get out of Cambodia. Try to find our bags to carry across the border. 90 minutes to enter Thailand. The queue was long. The room was really hot....a real sweat room. We finally board the next mini-van in Thailand. We are told 4 hours to Bangkok. WTF? Our new driver is going to kill us. We have to stop twice from the border to Bangkok to fuel the mini-van. Each time we must get out of the van and wait 20 minutes to refuel then theres the drivers break. We arrive in Bangkok at 7.30pm.... 11 hours...someone told a fib plus false advertising. We finally get dumped in the middle of no where. Nat haggles with a taxi driver from 400 to 250 baht to get us to the hotel. He claims 40 minutes. We make it in 15 minutes even stopping to fuel the car which I paid for as part of our fare. The Siam@Siam is nice. Its clean and we are on the 19th floor. Now for dinner and a strong drink
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 14:10:30 +0000

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