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Up late wondering about something? Ask us your question! We might answer it via video. Use #askusatoday on Twitter, e-mail askusatoday@usatoday or leave a comment below. Emily speaking, heres my question as an American Loyalist, Im the founder and chairman of the Royalist Tea Party, we support human rights and civil rights, but most importantly, we support having The British Monarchy as Head of State here in the United States, just like with Canada and 16 other countries. We are a democratic, libertarian Party. The Royalist Tea Party hopes to replace the office of Head of State with our Sovereign Queen. Her Majesty, or her representative in the United States, the Governor-General, would assume the original, Constitutional powers of the President of the United States, and would serve as a non-partisan and impartial arbiter of our Constitutional government. The foremost aim of the Royalist Tea Party [RTP] is to petition the Commonwealth of Nations to accept the United States as a member state and to restore the succession of the British Monarchy to the United States through Constitutional Convention (per Article V of the United States Constitution). The Royalist Tea Party would also see the United States join the Commonwealth of Nations, in the interest of forming stronger cultural, trade, and political bonds with nations who share our heritage in the English language, British liberty, and peace among nations. We are the Royalist Tea Party; a legally registered non-profit U.S. political party which aims to lawfully amend the Constitution to appoint the British constitutional monarchy to the United States of America. We have a lawful plan to realise the monarchy, and one that is not predicated on winning over a sleeping majority. You can more via our Facebook pages about tab, https://facebook/RoyalistTeaParty/info?ref=hl The Royalist Tea Party commits themselves to the establishment of a constitutional monarchy for the United States of America. They believe the second constitutional flaw that is ultimately responsible for this foul up, is this whole business of separation of powers where the executive and legislature are totally independent of each other. In a Parliamentary democracy, the Prime Minister cannot remain in office if he cannot command the support of the lower house, in the US the President can stay in office whether he has the support of Congress or not leading to a great political deficit, if the chief executive cannot even get Congress to support his proposals how can he get laws passed? Especially since he himself does not even have a seat in the house (which is of itself another shortsighted move). Clearly there must eventually be some political fallout from such a system. The simple fact is that the Westminster Model with its constitutional monarchy and its parliamentary structure has been proven as the most efficient of all forms of democracy that have been tried. Heres our question, and keep in mind that is has been proven that a constitutional monarchy is more democratic than a republic, do you support us? Do you support our belief that to create a true sense of trust between the governed and the government, our nation’s leader must be above the politics of the day, beholden to no special interest group, and free to do what must be done for the good of all Americans, not just the party he or she leads? We could use your help to get recognition and I feel this would be a great topic for you guys. Also, again, keep in mind that a constitutional Monarchy is undeniably the most tried and tested, stable system of democracy that exists. Every year the UN compiles a list of the best countries in the world to live, based on the quality of life of the citizens. And every year, despite the fact that there are more republics in the world, most of the top 20 are CMs, and most of the top 10 are CMs, and the top of the list is always a CM. Countries such as Canada, Australia, Japan, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Spain, Luxembourg, Belgium, The Netherlands, The UK. These are all near the top of the list. And when you compare CMs and Rs around the world that are close to each other and have a lot in common with each other: - Would you rather live in Jordan or Iran under Mahmoud Ahmedinejad? - Would you rather live in Japan or The Peoples Republic Of China under Hu Jintao? - Would you rather live in Morocco (the best, most stable African country by far) or Zimbabwe under Mugabe? Or any other African Republic for that matter? And when you look at the recent history of Europe: Britain has been a tried and tested, stable democracy for the past 3 and a half centuries because it has been a CM for that long. France turned into a republic and they got Napoleon. Germany turned into a republic and they got Hitler. Hitler said himself he was able to worm his way into power because there was no Monarch as Head Of State any more (The Kaiser had been forced into exile after WW1). A Monarch gives us a Head Of State who does not represent a political party like a President would. She does not represent any political views. She creates unity in the country, whereas a politician creates division. And unity is created when all the MPs and all the Armed Forces swear allegiance to 1 person. And the average person off the street has respect for the Monarch even when everyone hates the government. These things are priceless and you can not have them in a republic. Thank you for your time, I hope you pick me to help us out and to answer my questions.
Posted on: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 04:06:26 +0000

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