Up till now everyone has been looking for the NWO and ignoring the - TopicsExpress


Up till now everyone has been looking for the NWO and ignoring the one group that has been taking over things bit by bit; control of the money supply, control of the news media, control of the entertainment industry, control of the arms race, control of the politicians, control of the communication systems, control of the biological and nuclear technologies aka WMDs, control of the laws, control of the UN, control of the World Bank, control of the IMF, control of the British Monarchy, control of the food supply, control of the World Health Organization When added up, the conclusion is that all the distraction of fighting against the NWO has given the Zionist Empire the ability to take control of Canada, USA, UK, and most of the world, we are living in the Judeo Nazi Empire. The Judeo Zionist Nazis are flexing their muscle showing that nobody can or will stop them, if they are not stopped now they will sooner or later get rid of all the Goyam animals, not just the ones in Palestine, ..... at least we / I know who they are now, they are the Zionists and their lackies the Christian Zionists. As we approach the time of the realization of their world domination, we may see martial law if we dont stop them before that, and quite frankly I dont see anyone stopping them, they are getting more vocal in revealing who they are and what they intend, just listen to Joan Rivers and other Hollywood Zionists, its not just Netanyahu its all of them, all Zionists are psychopathic killers. Im not talking about Jews, we have to understand the Zionists have even been taking over the Jude religion. .... Its time for the Whole World to admit the Zionists are the Great Evil on the Planet and lock them all up, before the Zionists exercise their final option of Agenda 21. The Kazarian Judeo Nazis are the Zionists they are the MWO, and we have to stop them before they accelerate this to WW3 all out, they have prepared their concentration camps for those that resist, I just hope those in charge of the military who still have some moral decency lock up these rat bastards real quickly before they institute their final plans, we ... the people of the world do not have much time now.
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 16:30:05 +0000

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