Up until she got to the age where school attendance became more - TopicsExpress


Up until she got to the age where school attendance became more critical, I used to take Sam with me to the polls every morning on Election Day. Her teachers were fine with my bringing her late to school, if it meant she got to see how it all worked. Its poignant to be a voter on Election Day: People in the nation are getting up, planning their day around the same thing, and each individual finds his own way to the voting place—this morning I saw people walk up, drive up, bike up. Neighbors shook hands and joked about neighborhood things as they took their places in line. For a kid who grew up an immigrant and had to acquire citizenship (like a certification test), you think about the people who came before you, who went their whole lives unable to cast a ballot, or who fought hard and died so you could — so your right to do so could stay safe. Its the one day where everyones equal: the billionaire CEO, the blue-collar worker, the single mom with the corporate job, and the small business owner from another country — all stand on the same ground.
Posted on: Tue, 04 Nov 2014 12:39:28 +0000

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