Update- so last night I ended up going to the ER they did labs, - TopicsExpress


Update- so last night I ended up going to the ER they did labs, blood cultures, checked urine and a chest x-ray and everything came back fine. So they said it was viral let it run its course and sent me home. First time since being on chemo that I did not get admitted. Today my fever is even higher its been 101.6. I have not felt good all day I have had extreme cramping of my stomach the fever and I have been vomiting. Good news is I am passing actual stool. This is the first time since my actual blockage that I am passing anything other than white stool. I have went a total of four times today. I am sorry if this is too much information. This is wonderful news for me it means that the cancer is shrinking because I was a hundred percent blocked. I will take the cramping if it means cancer is shrinking. Im asking for prayers so I am well for Thanksgiving and Black Friday. Right now my labs are low my hemoglobin and my platelets are low so I cannot get chemo at this time we are rechecking on Friday to see if I can get chemo on Monday. Will update more after my labs are rechecked. Thanks for standing with me on this journey. Love you all, ️Tara 💚💚💚
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 00:45:23 +0000

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