Update 10/14/14 Jake had a really good day today at school. He - TopicsExpress


Update 10/14/14 Jake had a really good day today at school. He was slow getting up this morning and I asked him if hed rather do another afternoon instead of going in the morning, but he said no, that he wanted to go this morning so he got up and I had him to school by 9:00. He stayed until 12:30. He was tired when he got home but we just sat and relaxed for a while until it was time to go to the dentist. I took him to his regular dentist today who is now referring us to an oral surgeon because of the tooth issue. We cannot quite determine why he is having pain in the tooth area (other thank the obvious reason that he was hit by a van) so she thought it would be a good idea to see a specialist. So...another doctors appointment to make I guess. I stayed home today with Jake because Jamie was out of town, so Elizabeth Milam Bujold was kind enough to go on the field trip with my students. Thanks so much Elizabeth!! I knew the kids were in great hands with you!! One of the best things about today is that the street lights are starting to go up in the area where the accident occurred. Progress!! Many of you have asked how Emily is doing...well shes back to picking on her brother, so I guess things are really getting back to normal. I never thought Id welcome the sound of my kids arguing, but that just means we are making progress in getting things back to the way they were. I was thinking about the board meeting that we attended last night for a bit today. I think our board was very open to what we had to say and I hope they will continue to support our efforts to make things better for our students. I was also appreciative that Dr. Shepherd took a minute to personally come over to Jake to say a few nice words to him. Ive been doing a lot of reflecting lately. Our family has been through a lot in the past 2 1/2 years...first with my cancer diagnosis and now this. I always thought I was the kind of person who appreciated life before both of these events happened, but I was wrong. After my diagnosis in 2012 I developed a whole new appreciation for life, for my friends, and for my family. I learned that I really did sweat the small stuff and that had to stop. I realized how fragile life really is and my priorities completely changed and I began living life like we all should...as if it could end tomorrow. You would think that dealing with cancer was a scary time, and it was VERY scary, but then it became empowering. A cancer diagnosis is a mixed bag of emotions, but ultimately it made me a much better mom, wife, and friend. A lot of you comment on how busy I stay....busy with my kids and our family activities all the time. This is because I want to make the memories with my kids now because tomorrow is not promised to any of us. I dont want to have any regrets or ever say, I wish I would have done that after its too late. Now with this accident I appreciate every moment, even more so than I did before September 26. I cant believe how lucky I am to be able to hold my boy again. I came home one day last week from the hospital and the house was empty except for Emily and I. I stood in Jacobs room and imagined if things had ended differently like it does for moms and dads every day around the world. They have to come home to their kids rooms...how do they even manage that? How can they see their kids things all over the house knowing they will never be bringing that child home again and my heart breaks for them. So, do I have anything to complain or feel sad about? No way. I have my kids and my husband. I have a great extended family. I have the best friends in the world (and lots of new ones!), and I have a great job doing what I love. I wanted to share this with you because I know how life gets...it is crazy and busy and hectic. We forget to hug our kids, spouses and friends and we are always in a hurry. Just dont forget to slow down and appreciate what is REALLY important...your job can wait and the house can be cleaned later. Put your energy into what matters NOW.
Posted on: Wed, 15 Oct 2014 01:20:13 +0000

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