Update 4-6-14 Today was a day for rest and play. Bearpaw Galindo - TopicsExpress


Update 4-6-14 Today was a day for rest and play. Bearpaw Galindo and I had to say Good Bye to my Brother Bernie Prince. He left early this morning to go back home. I miss him already.. He lightened my load so much and gave Bearpaw all the attention to rest and heal. Taking him everywhere and getting him out of the house to do things other then Hospital visits and Doctors. They went out to eat many times and helped me by doing the shopping I would have had to do. We are stocked up on animal feed to get thru another month :) Freezer is full and Im rested up to tackle the week thats coming. I always look forward to the first of the month when he comes back again. I finished the laundry today and watched TV, played on my computer looking at so many peoples posts Ive missed out on for to long. Then We went to my son, Mike Pemberton for a BBQ dinner that was so good, Im still full lol. We didnt stay long but a few hours. Enough to sit in the sunshine and visit with my Daughter in law Lois Forrestal-Pemberton. It was so nice to see them. They work many hours so when we do get together we play catch up :) Then home to get the goats in their night pen and bandage changes and meds. All is done for the night. YAY and I still feel rested. This week coming up is a trip to town everyday UGG Bearpaw starts PT on his hands which will free me up to hit the medical supply place to re-stock bandages. Then home to get all the animals fed and daily choirs. Tuesday is 2 Doctors appointments and the social workers visit, Wednesday is Hand PT, Thursday is Psychotherapy, Friday Hand PT. Wow Im tired just thinking about it all.. So One foot in front of the other and forward moving... So many things Im thankful for. I gained a Mom today, Janice Sweet Fairley YAY I love you so much :) Im Blessed. Since I excepted God into my heart my life has changed. Hopelessness and helplessness is not in my vocabulary any more. I have worth today. So many prayers going up. God had to hire a secretary lol I have friends of many and everyone one of you are so important to me. Ebony King and Ebony Queen, Thank you for your gift. I have been praying with all these expenses, how I was going to make it and then your letter came yesterday. Pennies from heaven. I will spend it getting bandages for the next 2 weeks. TY TY TY. Angels, so many Angels.. Just when Im about to drowned someone throws me a life saver and I can go a little bit farther. Tonight I can say I got the rest I needed and the love to fill me up and the kindness of others show me hope. God, TY TY TY for everything you do for me. You throw me angels to let me know Im loved. TY for calming me while I ride this storm. I cant, We can. I love you.
Posted on: Mon, 07 Apr 2014 04:40:16 +0000

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