***Update 7/4/14*** So, I emailed Dick Whites Vets last week to - TopicsExpress


***Update 7/4/14*** So, I emailed Dick Whites Vets last week to beg from them. I asked them if they did any work that was for free or at a reduced rate. As an atheist, and someone that has been a supporter of animal rescues my expectations were not high. I am absolutely over the moon to tell you all that they have agreed to see him, MRI him and carry out any treatment and after care that would benefit him for a cap of £3000! (and for dramatic effect !!!!!!!) At first I couldnt believe it. If something is too good to be true it probably is right? So I asked a friend to read the email and make sure I understood it correctly. Then I checked that they are a real vets, with real diagnostic skills. Then I checked that they really have helped other rescued animals for a capped fee. And I checked with the vets themselves that they really and truly will see him and do all that is kind and helpful to do for a capped fee. I can now confirm my prayers have been answered! Really. Truthfully, Genuinely. Answered. There has been a weeks wait for various reasons before an appointment date was set. But we have finally got there so I can share it with you. Benji Bob has an appointment tomorrow morning. I couldnt be more thrilled. Now an injection of necessary realism here. He struggles to get off the couch unassisted. he no longer walks more than a couple of steps unassisted. If the little lad didnt throw himself at you for cuddles, or try to play pounce with Tia, or get a strop on when a dog or person goes by without saying hello to him I would have already made the call to the vets. His quality of life is questionable, but he still enjoys living his life. So, a consultation tomorrow, if they deem it a suitable option after seeing him, they will keep him for an MRI. From there they will do any treatment that might be good for him. But even with a perfectly healthy animal anaesthetics are a risk. They may find something horrendous, untreatable or even unkind to wake him up from. Andy and I are resigned to that possibility too. So, please, even if you too are an atheist, send your positive prayer filled hopes up into the world that the vet does some sort of medical miracle and says it can be cured. Be thankful with me that he has been given this chance and hopeful that it proves worth doing for the handsome and loving Benji. Be thankful to every single person that has donated time, effort or money into giving him this chance at a longer but crucially happy life.
Posted on: Mon, 07 Apr 2014 16:21:02 +0000

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