Update: ALCHEMY RELEASING INVITES YOU TO A SCREENING OF KAJAKI. The True Story ★★★★ ‘Incredibly tense….. it’s the British Hurt Locker’ CHARLES GANT, HEAT Cineworld Unit 1 Westgate Barrack Road Aldershot Hampshire GU11 1WG 5.30pm for 6:00pm Meet the filmmakers and the veterans portrayed in the film at a Q&A following the film to be hosted by Screen International’s Michael Rosser This event is open to the public. Please bring your BAFTA accreditation to secure two complimentary tickets. KAJAKI. The True Story is a tense war thriller. The film depicts an incident involving a group of soldiers, mostly from the British Army’s 3rd Battalion, The Parachute Regiment [3 Para], stationed at the Kajaki Dam in Afghanistan in 2006. After one member of a three-man patrol detonates a land mine, blowing off his leg, his fellow soldiers rush to his rescue, only to find themselves trapped in an unmarked minefield. Directed by Paul Katis. ALCHEMY RELEASING, 108 mins, Cert 15 ★★★★★Sunday Express ★★★★★Daily Mail ★★★★ Zoo ★★★★Star On Sunday ★★★★ Empire Online ★★★★ Sunday People ★★★★ The Guardian ★★★★ Time Out It may well be the best war film ever made. JEREMY CLARKSON, THE SUN Courageous and astonishing HARRIET NOTTON, ZOO A brilliant, powerful, heart-stirring film BAZ BAMBIGBOYE, DAILY MAIL RSVP to [email protected] to subscribe for tickets (2 per member) Confirmation emails will be sent on Friday 9th January. This film has been entered into all relevant categories. For more information about this film: kajakimovie/ E V E R Y O N E ’ S T A L K I N G A B O U T I T - a selection of tweets from the public - I only watched Kajaki yesterday and I already want to watch it again! Im so intrigued it’s got me hooked! Whoa! Just saw @kajakimovie . Intense, heart-breaking, funny. See it NOW. Incredible work This could the best war movie in while. #KajakiMovie gory, brutal but thats war. Great work. is a MUST watch! Make sure you take some tissues. Just watched @kajakimovie and oh my stars its something to behold. suspenseful and brutal, and a powerful tribute to all who were there. Just been to see @kajakimovie and what an amazing, heartbreaking movie, those who dont see it are missing out on 1 of the best films ever isnt like any war film Ive ever seen before. A true story, brilliantly written, directed and acted makes it feel raw & real. WOW, seriously a powerful film. Feeling pretty humble right now! Hats off to our lads No more words needed WOWZERS If you only see 1 film this year This IS it Tense, honest & hard. I laughed hard & cried proud tense, humbling, emotional. We have no idea what these guys do for this country. Very well done. Wow #kajakimovie second time round was just as amazing!!! Go and see this truly emotional captivating film!!Support our troops Just seen kajaki in vue cinema in Sheffield, absolutely brilliant! edge of your seat stuff. Wow!! Im speechless. Hi, I watched the film #Kajaki last night, absolutely fantastic #film, it is a must watch for any civilian or serviceman, This things got into my bones, I saw it last night but Ive got a hankering to see it again soon! What a heart-wrenching movie. Unbelievably realistic & touching. Movie of 2014 goes 2 @kajakimovie . The most heartbreaking, inspiring, unbelievable, movie I have ever seen. Seen this film last night as a serving soldier was gripped from beginning to the end. Kajaki has now reshuffled my best all time War movies and is now sitting number 1 they sure did capture all the banter/ brotherhood and the true emotion that all our brothers and sister have to endure when serving on tours thank you for the best war movie ever Just been to see @kajakimovie - such an emotional, well written and powerful film - GO AND SEE IT! The actors are amazing too! What a film @kajakimovie Its brutal, utterly brilliant. The best film Ive seen in years Feel more like Ive lived through it rather than just watched a film. @kajakimovie was very hard to watch, but brilliant. Saw @kajakimovie last night and am still shaking. film-of-the-year contender, feels entirely real and is deeply moving. Please go to see it. is a must watch for everyone, its so moving, puts into perspective just what people go through while protecting our country is a MUST watch! Make sure you take some tissues. Feeling pretty humble right now! Hats off to our lads absolute silence at the end of the film in the cinema. Never witnessed that ever!!! Regardless of your political persuasion, everyone should see @kajakimovie. It’s about the blokes, not the governments that fail them.
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 12:53:57 +0000

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