Update HUNTER Well the plan was to start pedilyte at 10ml drip a - TopicsExpress


Update HUNTER Well the plan was to start pedilyte at 10ml drip a hour but because be had a massive blow out of poop this am of 110 ml it will be keep the plan of only on TPN and see what tommrw brings they said its gonna be a long haul gettin him better he drops his temp at least once a day to have to put beair hugger on him he has been very very sleepy so labs of calcium electrolytes onfi depakote and ammonia levels will be checked he has dropped his o2 stats for half hour each day to 88 last few days due to lots of secretions we just trying to keep him hydrated n get him better the doc say he has osmotic diarrhea which means his gut not keeping the nutrition/water in thats its all coming out other end so he just needs time to heal right now ♥♡ He was resting comfortably this am
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 18:29:56 +0000

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