Update: He is doing fantastic! His kidney is producing urine and - TopicsExpress


Update: He is doing fantastic! His kidney is producing urine and working great! He took some sips of water, and even had several bites of mac and cheese!!!!! We will be moving to a regular room as soon as they have one available and can get us one on one nursing on the floor, 5 Sutherland to be exact. He is still on oxygen and still a small amount of fluid in his lungs. Doing respiory therapy every 4 hours and he HATES it! I gave his dialysis machine back today and man did that feel good! His incision looks good, big but good! They took out his art line, and only has 3 IVs now. I am just sitting here holding his hand, taking breaks to kiss him, praying for the donors family as they are more than likely making arrangements for their son, and thank God for the miracle of life that was so unselfishly passed on to Brayden! Thank you over and over for the support of so many reading this and please keep those prayers coming! I have a long letter I wrote but it is not edited fully so beware of my typos! Our transplant journey has ended Brayden received the biggest gift on June 25, 2013. As our hearts rejoiced as his search finally concluded and now a new life for him will begin a new chapter of recovery begins. I tried so many times to prepare my heart / mind how I would react when we got the news, but there is no such preparation for that moment, that phone call that would change our lives. As a parent I initially reacted in fear, worry, and happiness, anxious, a mix of so many emotions and at the same time trying to figure out how to organize what all needed to be done. As all these crazy thoughts are coming and trying to make a couple of the necessary phone calls, I was trying to prepping how I should tell Brayden his news. I pull into the driveway I see Brayden standing in the door with a huge smile, Jessica holding Brennen with her tears as she was emotional to see how things would unfold. I walk towards the door and fall to my knees holding Brayden as tightly as I can and tell him, “I love you so much and today Jesus is answering our prayers for your new kidney baby, Mommy is crying because I am so happy for you this is huge, this is what we have been waiting for. Oh how I love you!” All of a sudden it hit me whose kidney is it? Then, grief for the other family overwhelmed me. How hard it must be to let go of someone they love and give so unselfishly give my son life. The pain they must be feeling and was I being selfish…I was happy? I only pray that someday I can hold the other Mother in my arms whose wishes for her son gave my son a new life. That her son’s soul and spirit will live within my little boy that now he will get to finally see the life he has been missing out on without knowing…healthy, pain free, and full of childhood energy! As these new tears were painful my hour was ticking quickly away. The clock seemed to be moving so fast and I still needed to put my necessities into a duffle bag. On side note, my packing was pretty funny-not very well put together. Brad got home from work and held each other like never before, our baby…yes, this is finally happening! My Dad comes to pick up Brayden and saying goodbye to him is never easy. Then, the emotions hit Brayden he becomes scared and fearful of what to expect. He climbs into his trampoline where feels we won’t be able to leave. After explaining we finally carry him to the car where endless tears fall from his down his cheeks and he has joined us in our emotional rollercoaster of how this ride would end up. Only Brad, my husband would be able to turn those tears into smiles as I am anxiously getting us admitted at Children’s Mercy. Soon we are on the floor with a new way to greeted than ever before, Hey Brayden, Congratulations how exciting!” the nurses exclaim! The process begins. We are still awaiting final results to our amazing new kidney to make sure the 2 bloods cross match is negative. Yahoo great it is all set, surgery at 10am, well maybe… We receive a phone call at 1am from one of our doctors, 9 hours before we are scheduled to go down for transplant that his urine looks suspicious and if it is indeed an infection that we would not be able to transplant. My heart breaks. What! So what’s next? Yes we wait and wait. The clock hits 8am and we are now surrounded by love of our family and friends but only to tell them that it may not happen. 9am still waiting on if it is an infection or not, 9:15 still waiting, 9:30 the doctors walk in, the first thing I notice is a smile on his face, Oh I gasp” Are we good?!” “Yes, he replies, we are fine there is not an infection that we think and should not stop the transplant.” Brad and I eyes meet and tears of this make us weep of tears yet once again as this has been more emotional than we either one expected it would be. Our baby…I just can’t put into words what are hearts were silently speaking to each other but the relief and our lives will never be the same. 10am... he is rolled to surgery with the support of a troop behind him to say final farewells. Brad and I meet with Brayden and he is quickly sedated to comfort him for our departure. A final cry as my husband and I are alone and now only prayer for Brayden is in God’s hands and the knowledge of the team working on his fragile body. Transplant was a success! After 7 hours ever, we meet the doctors for good news, Oh God is good, Thank you Jesus! After long anticipation we are reunited with Brayden in the PICU and while his swollen helpless body lays there he awakes for small talk and then mutters ever so softly, “ Happy Birthday Grandma Lucy”, in shock and disbelief my husband comfort of words, babe he was never alone she was with him the entire day. He had God and guardian angels, I mean WOW! As for today, he is healing and me well I am writing letter to you as I sit here in the PICU hold my son’s hand, taking breaks to kiss his little head, praying for the other family during their grief and asking God to continue to heal him as he recovers. I am so blessed to have this amazing support behind us… it is beyond words.
Posted on: Thu, 27 Jun 2013 22:02:16 +0000

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