Update: Jordans blood pressure has been running low some. It - TopicsExpress


Update: Jordans blood pressure has been running low some. It dropped again last night around 10:30pm. They gave him an extra dose of hydrocortisone IV (steroid) plus another medication to bring it up. The ICU doctor said that Jordan is not producing enough cortisol & that causes blood pressure to drop. This is due to the hypothalamus/pituitary issues (endocrine) & all the things they regulate. They have been watching him closely since Tues evening because they thought the fluid in his left lung may be infection, but there are no signs of infection in his bloodwork. They have been doing breathing treatments to try and loosen it up & clear his lung. He was better when he went to sleep around midnight. Kathy woke up to the nurse asking him to cough for her at about 5:30am. His oxygen level had dropped. They did more breathing treatments & have him on a bipap machine now, which forces air into the lungs to open up the pockets. They feel he is doing better & they are making progress clearing out his lung. They did a new chest x-ray this morning around 7am, but we have not gotten results yet. The respiratory therapist just said that his oxygen level in his blood is better, but not as high as it should be. He mentioned that fluid overload can cause problems with the lungs. We are just laying Jordan at the feet of Jesus & praying for complete restoration & healing. We ask that you please keep praying. Thank you.
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 13:41:46 +0000

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