Update: Keeping it Real/Keeping it from my Heart. This is long - TopicsExpress


Update: Keeping it Real/Keeping it from my Heart. This is long winded but extremely deep about what Im observing in my family, what Im realizing about myself and what Im recognizing about emotional eating habits, why 99% of everyone experiences them and what (Ive found has worked for me) to overcome them and learn to live in the truth of my thoughts and not use the false thoughts as an excuse to stay where Im at in any area of my life. Thus comes my Living in my truth expression you all so often hear me say. And I say again to everyone Truth be told…EXCUSES ARE USLESS…That is the actual truth about excuses…when we start to learn how to live in these truths. We then STOP SUCCUMBING to failure and start OVERCOMING to the point of complete SUCCESS. These are the very things that I have learned to live through daily Habits until it has now simply become an automatic instinctual process of my life…Please note: I am not saying I am perfect, if I am coming across that way its not my intension…No need to worry Im still far from perfect…(just a normal human-being trying to figure things out for himself). Today, so many thoughts and realizations hitting me. How deeply my mother effected my life, the realization that while I do live a high Raw Organic Vegan lifestyle, I allow myself to lower it when family is in town so they can feel a bit more comfortable around me and I can feel a bit more comfortable around them. When people are visiting and eat together it takes on a form of celebration, at least in my family. Thus for those who see me once or twice a year for 2 to 4 days and they never see me eating high raw, they have felt and thought that I have been lying about things on fb and not living my life the way I encourage people to try, for years and worse, that I am still coaching people while I am not living this. This all actually makes sense to me as its the only thing that they witness about me. (Yet do not express to me). A lot of things are starting to make sense to me especially about myself, as I stand at the very forefront of that line in terms of how I process thoughts into judgments, we all do this, we simply rarely if ever, take a look at how our own thought processes work. This kind of thing is what is at the front of (in this 9th grade educated individuals opinion) 99% of people who experience emotional eating habits. This usually starts in childhood during the growing stage of life where we are learning 100% of everything through experience. Then as we grow start to realize that there is something wrong with our body as evidenced by our weight. We then try and correct it via diets as this has become the main avenue to lose weight in our society (not to mention a multi billion $$ industry of its own). We are berated by commercials etc…One of the things I love about My Friend Markus Rothkranz is that when he hears anyone (myself included) say Raw Foods is a diet he adamantly explains that its simply the way people are supposed to eat. I tell most people I coach that I would like to combine coaching not only in nutrition but emotional eating patterns, how to recognize these thoughts and then how to tell ourself the truth as we learn to identify the thoughts as False Evidence Appearing Real. And then telling ourselves the truth. (Thank You Tresa Yung who taught me this). This process takes about a year to really take ahold as a practice in most peoples life (my own experience as well). Ive actually seen one person achieve this in 3 months so never let anyone (including myself) EVER lead you to a thought that then becomes cemented into your mind as a fact. Learn to figure out what actually works for your body yourself, what makes you experience real Energy, Clear thinking, Sound sleeping patterns (something I myself am still striving to find in my own life). I know the cause of this ptsd and have come light years from where I was at. Even just a few months ago. An example of what Im talking about is: I have not been able to sleep in a room with out the door being locked for over 25 years. If Im visiting someone and the bedroom did not have a lock on it, I would take a chair and set it against the door so I could fall sleep. I attended Thomas C. Chavez and his wifes Body Electronics Weekend…and literally in an instant have been able to sleep with-out having to lock a door. I received many PMs on my fb when I told people about The Body Electronics weekend and invited people to come, some people told me that the about $300 + travel expenses was simply too much money. I asked most people who participated to describe to me what they experienced…how interesting that down to the person, everyone said they had a life changing experience. And I can tell you: to this day I have never slept with a door locked anywhere, even when Im traveling. Except of course at a motel room. I reversed a subconscious paranoia in an instant after seeing Doctors and Psychiatrists for years. I say this so hopefully you might think about attending next years…how open are you to trying something different, how much value (in terms of $$) do you place on your health…physically, mentally and emotionally…just saying: Here is something that has had a profound impact in my life, it might in yours as well ! So you have tried Body electronics before ? well so did I. But have you ever been guided thru it by Thomas, have you ever read the BOOK Thomas wrote about it ?…just saying give it some thought. :) These are simply the things that are on my mind today. When I find something that works in my life, I am 100% totally and completely committed to getting the word out about it. Even if it means controversy with my family, friends, business associates, the public, even if it means loss of finances, court orders and threat of prison or actually being thrown in jail…I repeat what Ive said in the past...(I have already lived through all of this, experienced all of this), and am simply not afraid of any of it. And when I find something that does NOT work I am very careful to express it at all or I say that it did not work for me or I say I found that did not work well for me but I do know of others whom it has. As is my philosophy about being open to the possibility all things as they may work for one person but not another…thus the complexity of our human bodies. Ive been told by the professionals that I should only make posts no longer than one paragraph, (so I will build a larger following) and Ive received 100s of PMs asking me to make shorter posts on a daily basis at the same time of the day or they wont follow me on fb. I have never created this fb to have a following. I created it as an experiment to live my life as openly as possible and to help get the word out about what Im doing and experimenting with. There are now 5000 people on my Dave Conrardy fb (which is now full)…if you friend me there I cannot respond and I get over 50 friend requests a week on that one. So if you would like to stay in touch with me please go to my Dave The Raw Food Trucker Page and like it and you will start to receive the posts in the News feed. (There are approximately 10,000 likes on that page). I dont care about size of fb…So I simply post when Im inspired to. Some people message me that they are worried when I dont post…when I dont post on a given day or in a week or several weeks its usually simply that I dont feel the desire to talk here. And thats all it is…99% of the time :) I also receive several requests weekly from people asking me how I built up my fb pages. A: I never paid to have my pages advertised B: I simply live my life on it…the good the bad and the ugly…you have no idea of how many times when I talk about the down times or struggles in my life I get messages from leaders within the Raw Community or my closer friends and family saying WHAT ARE U DOING ???…Example: You should never have told people that your deeply in debt or that you have started up 4 businesses and completely failed at all of them in the area of Raw Foods. That does not promote you or your Raw Food message. Yet I received over 1000 fb, texts, phone calls and emails messages on that very fb post. Thanking me and telling me that they are in the same situation. And a major leader in the Raw Food Movement posted openly on my page they he was in the exact same situation and (instantly gained my respect) that person was Chef BeLive. C: What Ive personally found through my experiences...is ignore everyone. If you have found something that works in your life and sits right in your heart...just share it with people…I know as a Fact that this is how Chef Ito lives his life. As I once showed him a product and told him theres a good probability to make money on it. He tried it and it had no effect on him, so he never put it in his elixirs nor did he ever try to sell it. While I had a very different experience with it. It was thru this experience observing how Chef Ito approached this product.Yet encouraged me to keep talking about it and selling it, that I developed my opinion about what works for one person may not work for another. D: Lastly NEVER LIE about something on fb. Example I had someone ask me how I became so well known. As this person had lost some weight yet was not experiencing people following them…I told them it could have been that I reversed or got under control several disease, the next thing I knew, this person claimed publicly that they had reversed over 17 diseases…I have never spoken to that person again… E: You can pay to have your page liked…but how many people are actually following you…There 15000 people on my two fb pages and a good percentage of them are actually following me…they dont necessarily push a follow button but I know this from the shear # of PMs that I receive. F: Let go of what you want and simply assume that those who are supposed to read your posts will. If you have read ALL of this post…then you were supposed to. :) Blessings to all Livin Life/Lovin Life…The Raw Food Trucker…Keeping it real, keeping it from the heart...
Posted on: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 03:32:16 +0000

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