Update: Made it to Memphis today and happy to report that K - TopicsExpress


Update: Made it to Memphis today and happy to report that K is doing fantastic. Ashton and Isabella are both growing like crazy, and contractions have been under control for over a day now. We are pressing forward, hour by hour, day by day... And thankful for every moment these little ones stay put. Again, we have been so touched by the messages and support all of you have sent our way. I get goosebumps just thinking of how blessed we are by all of you. The women in this family continue to amaze me. I am certain that my mother-in-law has been at Ks side every day and night except a few breaks when I stay over. We are blessed beyond measure to have her. She keeps K calm (much more than I do bouncing all over the room) and that is key to this whole process. A moment I wanted to share with you all that gave me chills so to speak: Today when I came to visit, Karen and I were sitting in discussion about the NICU, neonatology group, etc. when the sweet little lady came in to tidy the hospital room. Karen has mentioned her in a previous post; she brings daily devotionals to the room when she makes her rounds. As she approached K, her gentle smile caught my attention as she reached into her pocket. As her slender frame leaned over and placed the multi-colored confetti on Ks side-table (which are all little folded devotionals she takes from room to room), her eyes caught mine for a brief moment. Now this sweet, hardworking, elderly lady has no clue how much this daily ritual calms Karen, nor does she know that her act of kindness has helped K through a rather scary day this week... As she went about her business dusting the room and speaking of the hot weather, I mentioned to her that we appreciate the little notes she brings to Ks bedside table daily. She stopped and turned, her eyes catching mine, and her gentle smile was followed by a simple, sweet, kind statement that really spoke to me beyond the limits of her vocalization. She explained, Oh, all of my peoples really seem to enjoy them, some more than others. But you know, it makes me feel good to do it, to give something and then they give me a smile... Thats goodness right there... Thats God.... She turned and continued with her tasks, taking no notice to how she had touched me with her simple words. The topic of dialogue returned to the simmering Memphis heat and how much she is having to overwork her home air conditioner. It is these brief moments in time that inspire me to see the good in people, and to realize that we all have daily struggles... Each of us has a path that will at some time or another be difficult. But we are all in this together. Your kind words may be all it takes... One simple sentence... To a complete stranger... that makes their day a little brighter, their burdens a little lighter. This is what its all about. I remind myself of this truth daily, as my patience is often lacking and my hot-headed temper sometimes gets the best of me... To all of you who have lifted us in prayer, we continue to be thankful and honored to call you our friends. We are blessed beyond measure. It seems that God is agreeing to comply with your requests, and we have hit another mile-stone today. Thank you all and God bless each of you. I pray that His Grace shines on you as it has on our family. **prayer still works**
Posted on: Thu, 21 Aug 2014 03:51:48 +0000

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