Update: March 6th - Im going to try and keep this one short, - TopicsExpress


Update: March 6th - Im going to try and keep this one short, although for those of you that know me personally know, Im anything but short winded :) This morning, we went to visit with Dr. Bleacher, Brody’s surgeon. I went into this appointment thinking I had the procedure all figured out. I “assumed” it would be similar to when they put Brody’s port in. He would be sedated, they would remove the port, & we would be on our way home later that afternoon. Apparently, I was off a little. There is no sedation involved which means, they will administer anesthesia locally (shots & cream), they will re-open the incision under the port, remove it & stitch him up.. This bothers me. It bothers me a lot actually. Brody will be awake for the procedure. I can’t stand the thought of that. His port is in the center of his chest. Just the thought of him seeing the needles & watching them remove the port freaks me out. I can’t even imagine what he’s going to think. Although the procedure only takes 15 minutes, it will be performed in the OR, therefore I can’t stay with him. You guys please pray an extra prayer for Brody. I talked with him in detail today about his surgery. His response to my talk was “ I don’t want my port out, I’m just gonna keep it”. He was really nervous about his appointment this morning. Although I talked with him & told him there would be no pokes or accessing his port, he was still so nervous that he cried when the dr came in. I know some of you have had a similar experience battling your own cancers, so you may be able to relate to how he is feeling, I can’t. I know that it breaks my heart. I know that I’d do anything in my power to make it easier for him. Here again, I’m at that place where all that I can do is pray for him & try to ease his worry. So far, transitioning to no medication & chemo has been easy, yet weird. We’ve spent over 3 years taking medications twice a day, everyday. So, it has been very different. Brody is still tired a lot. Which is normal. Dr. B (one of Brody’s Oncologists) said he wouldn’t be back to normal for at least 6 months. So, it’s gonna take some time for his energy level to increase. I will update you all again next Thursday after Brody’s surgery. Not sure what time as they will let me know next week sometime. Thanks again for always being Brody’s prayer warriors. We couldn’t do this without each & every one of you Much
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 21:39:08 +0000

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