Update. Rosss dad is essentially on life support while they wait - TopicsExpress


Update. Rosss dad is essentially on life support while they wait for blood thinners to work thru his system for them to be able to do the surgery. He has a machine working for his heart and is on a ventilator. Last i heard he was under complete sedation with propythol (sp?). He had a massive heart attack that caused a significant tear in the heart muscle. They dont know where the tear is yet but fortunately the blockage they found is only 40-60%. Ross will be on a train here soon to be with his family as they are going to try to proceed with the surgery sometime this afternoon. I will be staying home with my daughter who is more than 8 months pregnant and had started dilating as of last week. Also praying that i have seen the last of my migraine as we had just hit day 11 and several visits to the doctor trying to get some sort of relief from the pain. And in the midst of it all is my grand daughters birthday tomorrow, The big girl #6! I ask please that you join me in prayer for Dan (rosss dad) that his body hold up and that God grace him with a healing hand, for the doctors that will be performing the surgery, that their hands be steady and eyes sharp as they attempt to repair the damage in dads heart, For my husband, his siblings and his mother as they come together in this time of worry that they find strength and comfort in each other, for myself that these headaches be gone that i might have the strength and energy to be all that i need to be for my family right now, For my daughter that her onset of labor hold until we can all be together for the arrival of our new angel, and for our peanut, may she not feel sad or neglected on her birthday as we all go our separate ways to do what must be done right now to be there for everyone. I ask these things in the name of our Lord Jesus, and in the name of love and light, that we may all be alright.
Posted on: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 11:21:34 +0000

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