Update Sunday (10.12.14) 12:20am Every girl knows that - TopicsExpress


Update Sunday (10.12.14) 12:20am Every girl knows that shopping is a great way to boost their mood, well I got to witness it first hand. Isaac, Rylan, and I escorted Shelly all over Hanes Mall today. We did not buy that much, but we sure had a blast. Isaac got some nice threads that actually fit, for now, and a new Lego set. Shelly and I each got a little something, and we fought the urge and only got Rylan one outfit. That was the hardest part of our day. I remember shopping for Isaac when he was little, but it was never this hard. There are so many cute outfits for girls, it makes it impossible not to buy something. I know understand that brain washing starts real young! Shelly walked the mall for a few hours, pushing the stroller the whole time. She was a proud mother. She would stop and show Rylan off as people peaked in. She would do her best to try and talk, and I would wait for her cue if I needed to talk for her. It was the best therapy idea we could of planned. Rylan was awesome. She slept through most of it, but let also let us practice changing some diapers on the fly. Shelly even got hands on experience of changing a diaper in the car while Isaac and I spent some time in Lego heaven at Toys R Us. I have decided that Legos are are to boys what clothes are to girls. Too many awesome options! The real champion of the day was Isaac. He is a natural as a big brother. He talks so sweet to Rylan and he loves to talk about her to other people. On the ride up Shelly slept pretty much from Kannapolis to Winston-Salem. Isaac was my helper in the back seat. He would keep an eye on Rylan and update me every few minutes about her facial expressions, sounds, gruts, or smells. He is so intrigued by her. The real funny part is when she cries. He stops whatever he is doing and tries to help. He says it scares him a bit, so he wants to help her feel better. Its hilarious to watch. When Isaac isnt helping Rylan he is trying to help Shelly. I have always made it a point to try to do my part as a father to raise a gentleman. I have taught him to hold doors, say thank you, and so on. Normally we race to see who can hold Shellys car door. Today it was awesome to see how considerate he is towards Shelly. When I would slide off in a store to look at something, he would stay by Shellys side to make sure she was okay. He even told me one time when Shelly went off on her own to look in her section, I think I will go back to Shelly, she might be lonely. He just cares about her so much. I am so blessed to have such a loving son. We are blessed to have Shellys mom here tonight to take a turn with Rylan. My dad and Becky take her on a lot of nights, and Shelly and I are working back into the mix. Sooner or later we will take back on normal roles as parents. For now, we are not going to pass on a night of uninterrupted sleep. To some that may be minor, but to us it is a major, major thing. Every night that goes by for Shelly that she gets to sleep well, I notice growth mentally and strength physically returning. We are excited for today (Sunday). We get to spend another worship service with our church family. For us, its partly just getting back into a normal routine. For me, its still trying not to be so emotional. I plan to talk during Rylans dedication Sunday, I have to be able to do so with out crying too much. Dedication Sunday is set for Sunday, October 26th at 10:30am. Our church is Harvest Community Church and it is located on Orphanage Road. I will post more details before that day, but for now, the invitation is open. Shelly and I have been blessed by some many people over the past weeks, we would love for all who want to support us that day to be present. Our church is very casual when it comes to dress code, but very lively when it comes to worship. We would love to have our friends (new & old), and family present. Again, more information to come........... Stay Tuned. Another great reason to be excited for tomorrow is that we get to celebrate my sisters upcoming baby. Scooter is so ready for Baby Rae, and we are just excited to meet her. I used to avoid baby showers, but not I feel more of a connection to them. My family has grown tight over the past month, and I pleased to be a part of every celebration. Rylan and Rae may be a dynamic duo. The next years at our get togethers are going to be much more fun. It feel so good to take time and look towards the future. God is going to get us there. We must continue to prepare ourselves for what He has planned for our future. What glory, and what celebrations! Amen!
Posted on: Sun, 12 Oct 2014 04:48:05 +0000

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