Update: The black and blue is coming out more in a few places so - TopicsExpress


Update: The black and blue is coming out more in a few places so maybe that means it beginning to heal! The base Hospital will be closed Monday in observation of the holiday so I go back Tuesday for more blood test and to meet with one of the nine doctors Im assigned to whom will check me out and track my process to ensure they still have me on the right path. Even though Im so nervous and scared, trying to stay strong, positive and hind my fear for I know things can still turn the wrong way fast. Ive been feeling better each day besides the weakness, being nauseous and off balanced which I know will take time but I still ask for your prayers, love, support and thoughts for strength to continue to uplift me and my family as God keeps carrying us with his love and power to continue his uplifting and power to heal. Plus Ive been writing this since around 2am but I guess sleep FINALLY took over as I just woke up with lights on, glasses on and the phone in my hand as I was in the middle of writing this update. Slept for about 3 hours!!!! Im going to turn things off, put my phone on silent and ask the lord to allow my body to sleep a few more hours since it took almost 4 straight days for the precious 3 hours he allowed my body to rest. Ive also enjoyed the laughing and joking hes allowed me from his uplifting. Had a blast joking back and forth with my siblings over whos the cutest in the picture I posted when we were all so young. I needed the humor and of course we all know I WIN I WIN I WIN....LOL. But really...we ALL win as God Blessef us as he has rejoined us kids after 35 years and I know without doubt how happy our Mom is as she and my wonderful sister whom left us to be with her only a year ago hands hands smiling knowing the gifts God blessed her with are finally joined again. And family I never knew is growing in numbers as the words spreads and I just cant see through these darn tears to give my thanks. My youngest gets to witness how strong blood really is and how the power of prayer works as friends, family, school mates, teammates, teachers, coaches and loved ones join as one in prayer in the depth of our hearts shine through. God Bless you all. There are no words for my thankfulness. I LOVE you all and God willing he will provide a way once Im better to go home to Washington State for a GOOD visit and allow my yougest, Vinnie meet family and roots he has never met and I can do the same and see the ones I have met but years and miles have kept us apart and ones Im learning of and to all join together for a happy occasion. Ok off to dream land before Im too awake.
Posted on: Sun, 10 Nov 2013 12:52:22 +0000

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