Update Tuesday 10:00pm A projected timeline has been set. The - TopicsExpress


Update Tuesday 10:00pm A projected timeline has been set. The team here plans to have us discharged by October 8th. I use by instead of on because I know my wife pretty well. Every timeline we have heard so far, she has raced by. We were told that a typical ECMO patient is on the machine for 1-2 weeks, 4 days later she is off the machine. She is already walking laps around the gym and up and down the hall. I believe that we will meet our goals sooner, but I like that we now have a date in our future to work towards. The team is formed of doctors, physical therapist, occupational therapist, and speech therapist. They all agreed that physical abilities were rebounding exceptionally well. Her strength is returning very fast. Everyones real concern is with mental capabilities. This area just takes more time. I still fully believe that she will recover 100%, it will just take time and work. By staying here we can spend more time with all of the therapists. They really use a cross curriculum approach with Shelly. For example, today after worked on some grip exercises, the occupational therapist asked Shelly to list all the exercises she just completed. She was able to explain the last one she did, but after that she could not remember the others. She just got confused, but once she was given a little guidance, she could explain more. Its like she got to a speed bump, slowed down, needed a nudge over, then took off again. I have witnessed people coming back from injuries before. I, myself came back from a shoulder injury. This is just totally different. The brain needs exercise just the same way, and in time she will be back to blowing me away. One of the other areas we are worried about is her blood pressure. It is staying too high. The doctors have her on a new medication and are monitoring her closely. Because of that alone, I am glad we are staying here for awhile. I would prefer that we get all her medicine balanced out prior to leaving rehab. One less thing to worry about. I go to sleep tonight real proud of Shelly. Looking back on today I can say that she took some big steps forward. Tomorrow is a new day and it will bring new challenges, but as long as we keep working as a team I believe that we can accomplish anything. I feel that may be part of this journey, realizing just how strong we are together. God, thank you for giving me a partner that refuses to give up. Strengthen me to be there for her when she hits these speed bumps, help me be the nudge she needs. Keep me positive and upbeat. Let me be the coach and husband she needs. Thank you again for allowing us to get this far on the road to recovery. We understand how blessed we are to have the opportunities and challenges in our life each day. Help us use those for your good. Amen.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 02:15:36 +0000

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