Update Tuesday 12th August 2014 by Andy Nash. Max had his first - TopicsExpress


Update Tuesday 12th August 2014 by Andy Nash. Max had his first post-op checkup at Fitzpatricks today, which was planned between 10 and 14 days post-op - and today was the twelfth day. Julie drove, and I was in the back with Max lying on his left hand side. He spent most of the journey asleep with his head in my lap, and only showed a vague interest in the outside world when we stopped for traffic lights/roundabouts etc. He appeared quite happy with the arrangement as he was getting plenty of belly-rubs and head tickles. I think I was a reasonable substitute for Blair the last time he did this. On arrival we just had time to grab a coffee (but not drink it - again!) before we were called into a consulting room. Max had his stitches checked over and his joint movements were checked through the full range - all the time fighting off the licks he was trying so hard to land. All stitches have now been removed and he can now start some gentle physio work three times a day - which he is used to as Ive been doing this in the lead-up to his operations. We talked through a plan of how to progress with his recouperation for the next couple of weeks, and his levels of medication. He will be going back in for an interim checkover, before he goes back in to have another set of x-rays to confirm that all is progressing to plan. He will then make another trip to have the plate in his leg removed, followed by a final check-up and a consultation on what the best next step will be. He then made a couple of new friends in the waiting room (he never misses an opportunity), before doing his best to tie me in knots with his lead and harness straps while we talked with the receptionists. You could some-how tell he was excited to be out of the house and being somewhere different (stand by with the photo editing Brenda!) Once we got back to the car he had his daily dentastick (as he had missed breakfast), but he was so excited at that point that he left most of it spread around the car-park in little pieces. The journey home was uneventful, and another chance to catch up on his beauty sleep - which he took full advantage of. Tess came rushing out to see him when we got back, whilst he was mooching around the garden deciding if he wanted a pee or not - this time it was just licks and wags rather than trying to drag him back indoors. Hes had a long sleep this afternoon, and polished off his dinner with interest - hes having another nap now.
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 20:57:04 +0000

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