Update & donation post for this event (update through raid - TopicsExpress


Update & donation post for this event (update through raid #23) This close to the end, the estimate of 26 is a solid maximum, we will not get in a 27th and even reaching the 26 will require some last minute strategy changes (see below). This means our minimum donation threshold of 11 cursors will stand. Now on day 9 of 10, no surprise, Fearlessme continues to lead the troop in cursor donations with Navri the closest to her positively crazy totals. This being the next to last and with almost everyone safe, chose to highlight our one danger member, LucyRay, in red and our one excused member, HunterCharlie, in green. We have just over a day to go and are locked in Tier 8 with 2.4 million trophies between us and Tier 7 and a lead of 58 places and 470K trophies over Tier 9. The only way we drop is we stop playing. We have three more TvT raids remaining, two 6PM slots and one 6AM slot. Unfortunately, based on what happened the past two nights, we simply do not have enough participation around the 6AM slot to run it concurrent with a standard raid for the combo bonus. We had the bonus near max when I nodded off for a short nap before the last 6AM TvT raid and people let it expire even before the TvT raid started, then Flawed and Underteiker had to step up to make sure that we finished the standard raid before the clock ran out even though there was no good reason that should have been a difficult raid to finish (even with the TvT raid taking place, total time should have been well under 6 hours for the health the boss had). So we are going to change our final stretch plans: We will run a standard raid concurrent with Sun 6PM TvT for the combo bonus. I am wide awake during this time and can either commandeer or coach my wife and kids to make sure the bonus stays up. Once we finish the standard raid, we will have an extended period of farming only interrupted by the Mon 6AM TvT raid. Under the assumption everyone will have farmed enough to make this happen ;) we will start #25 @ 8AM GMT and move into Raid #26 as soon as its finished and filled. Raid #26 will run concurrent with the final TvT raid at 6PM Monday, we will wrap up Raid #26, and the event will be over!
Posted on: Sun, 30 Nov 2014 14:00:38 +0000

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