Update from Lauren and Rob Davis on Liams status... _____ I - TopicsExpress


Update from Lauren and Rob Davis on Liams status... _____ I would like to start this post off by saying THANK YOU!!!!! Rob and I are incredibly overwhelmed, blessed and thankful for ALL of the prayers, support, encouraging messages, scriptures, personal stories and time that so many people have taken to pray for our sweet baby boy and our entire family. Love you all and thank you so much! Liams update (Tuesday July 29th) : Liam had a very good night. He actually opened his eyes and look at me for a long time. He was moving his legs and reaching for my face. He loves to touch peoples faces. SO sweet! I played him some music, talked to him, sang to him, prayed over his body and cried tears over him. Im so thankful that we are seeing bits and pieces of our sweet baby boys personality. So, now for the medical stuff. The neurologist said that his brain activity is looking great (so far). No signs of any seizure activity and very responsive and making purposeful body movements. Now the plan is to start warming his body temperature back up. They were going to wait until tonight to do that but hes doing so well that they want to start now. Doing this will start to show us what Liams heart function is. As of right now his heart rate is very low. Thats normal and to be expected but it HAS to improve. His liver is VERY big and enzymes elevated. Thats also kind of par for the course . I could go on with all of his lab work and numbers but I wont bore you. We are asking you to join with us in praying for Liams heart. His heart rate, consistent stable blood pressure, the actual pump and function of the entire heart. His heart is VERY sick and needs miraculous healing. God can heal the brokenhearted!!!!
Posted on: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 17:49:02 +0000

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