Update from Miriam Sperring: Nov 28, 2013 9:34 PM Give thanks to - TopicsExpress


Update from Miriam Sperring: Nov 28, 2013 9:34 PM Give thanks to the Lord and proclaim his greatness. Let the whole world know what he has done. 1 Chronicles 16:8 We have been home now just over 2 weeks, and we couldnt be more grateful. It has been a sweet time of getting settled back in and being a family again. The little things I used to take for granted like family meals, lazy Saturday mornings, and sleeping in my own bed have been treasures. I cant think of a Thanksgiving season when I have been more thankful for the simple things. A new and fresh perspective has always been a gift in this journey. Our transition home has gone pretty smoothly overall. The biggest change is that we no longer have nursing help with John. We decided against it for several reasons. Mostly, we just wanted to try to operate on our own as a family. Although it has been challenging to manage all four, it seems to be working out pretty well. John is starting to fall into a very loose nap schedule and is sleeping much better at night. Will and the twins have been helpful with entertaining John. There is still quite a bit of chaos at any given moment, but I imagine that that is true of any home with 3 kids under 3. As an aside, we are looking for some extra babysitting/housekeeping help so please let me know if you have a lead for us. John seems to be thriving now that he is back home. He is so close to rolling over and is starting to work on sitting up. Before surgery, I think he used every ounce of energy just to survive, and now he finally has the energy to work on developing some motor skills. Its been fun to watch him enjoy life and start to hit some developmental milestones. We still have a long way to go and countless physical and occupational therapy sessions to attend, but its nice to see him moving in the right direction. The retching and gagging has waxed and waned since we came home. We saw our GI doctor here in Dallas earlier in the week, and he seems to think we can work through it with time and lots of patience. Its a trial and error game and it will just be a matter of sorting through the options until we find what works for him. We also saw the cardiologist this week and got a good report. We were shocked when they said we didnt need to come back until January!! We would love for you to continue to pray for John and our family. Although at times it has felt like we were sprinting, this journey is definitely a marathon. Please pray that John will miraculously stay healthy through cold and flu season. Ive have actually had a fever and cold this week, and the three bigs kids have coughs too. We do our best to wash hands and keep everyone healthy, but its nearly impossible with 3 kids bringing in germs from the outside world. Please pray that John will weather any little viruses well and that we wont need to return to the hospital. Thanks so much for sharing in this journey with us. I am so thankful for each of you that has prayed, brought a meal, sent a scripture card, filled our house with balloons, cared for the big kids, decorated for fall, sent gifts, and the list goes on and on. Im actually in awe of the way that The Lord has used so many to carry us so far. As I head to bed tonight, I will be praying for each of you and asking The Lord to bless you with the gift of a grateful heart. It truly is a gift to stand back and count our many blessings! Happy Thanksgiving!
Posted on: Fri, 29 Nov 2013 04:31:28 +0000

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