Update from the Camden UNISON Branch Office: (1) Strike is - TopicsExpress


Update from the Camden UNISON Branch Office: (1) Strike is off, but pay dispute not resolved As many of you will already be aware through media reports, UNISON and the other two local government unions, the GMB and Unite, have called off the strike previously scheduled for next Tuesday 14 October. This decision came after UNISONs National Joint Council committee met yesterday (09 October) and voted 20 to 9 to suspend industrial action pending consultation with members about a slightly revised proposal unveiled the previous day by the negotiators for the Local Government Association. The proposal, which is still not confirmed as a formal offer, appears to be a very marginal improvement on the proposed 2.2% increase on basic pay for virtually all Camden Council employees over a period of 15 months from January 2015 - March 2016 with no backdated rise from April of this year. The timetable for the consultation on this proposal has yet to be confirmed and the Camden UNISON branch committee will meet on 20 October to discuss the proposal and agree how to maximise members participation in the consultation. The proposal falls far short of addressing our entirely legitimate pay claim, but it would also mean still another real pay cut for virtually all local authority employees as well as failing to bring tens of thousands to the level of the Living Wage outside Greater London of £7.65. Given these factors, the branch committee is all but certain to strongly recommend rejection. Finally, I extend the thanks of the branchs leadership to all members who took part in the 10 July action and who had been prepared to strike again on 14 October; in particular, thanks to all those stewards and activists who have worked to build support both for action and to strengthen the branch significantly over the course of the year. (2) Monday 13-Saturday 18 October - other union action against low pay Despite the suspension of our strike, other groups of UNISON and other union members will be fighting back over pay this coming week. On Monday Camden UNISON members will be supporting fellow UNISON members and other striking NHS staff as they stage a four-hour walkout over the Governments refusal to honour the NHS Pay Review Bodys recommendation of a mere 1% (!) rise for health workers. The action lasts from 7.00-11.00 AM and the Camden UNISON branch banner will be at University College Hospital, Euston Road, WC1. NHS staff will also be mounting other forms of industrial action, short of a strike, during the course of the week. Further Education college lecturers in the UCU at Westminster Kingsway College and other Further Education colleges are due to strike on Tuesday over an offer of less than 1%, while on Wednesday (15 October), members of the biggest civil service union, the PCS, will also be taking action at Camden workplaces such as the British Library and HM Revenue & Customs Euston Tower. The week culminates in the TUC-organised Britain Needs A Pay Rise demonstration, with UNISON members assembling on Saturday morning 18 October from 10.30 onwards on the Embankment near Blackfriars Bridge.
Posted on: Sun, 12 Oct 2014 08:45:00 +0000

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