Update from yesterday as I fell asleep while typing this up last - TopicsExpress


Update from yesterday as I fell asleep while typing this up last night! A special thanks to Judy Lombard Olson for dropping off supplies for Cooper tonight!!! Also, to Taylor Fowler for getting us some more rawhides as well! Thank you!!! Today was a greatly wonderful busy day! The amazing Cynthia picked up Cooper around noon to be able to take him to his vet appointment at 4 because I had to be at work. I was struggling to get his harness on because he kept wanting to jump so I kept turning my back on him. Cynthia came in the yard to help me and within about 3 times of telling him no/down/sit from her, he actually sat nicely and still and let her clip the harness on. The difference in his behavior with me (very pregnant) and other people is just remarkable. It is so blatantly obvious that between him being intact and my pregnancy hormones, he can hardly think straight. He does super well with training, but when I am feeding him and cleaning up (like I was before Cynthia came), etc he jumps so much it can get a little unbearable. We are hoping that once he gets his neuter that some of this behavior resides. Until then, we will continue to battle it out. The nice thing was, is that since I am turning my back on Cooper when he jumps, I cant usually see very well how he is responding to that. Even if he is. So with Cynthia seeing that, she was able to tell me that he was. And I asked for any more advice. She said clapping while saying no can work well because it gets their attention. So I will try that. Once she took Cooper, that allowed me to go to SVAS and 1) Return the blanket I accidentally took with me the day they checked him for a microchip. And 2) Fill out a form to be Coopers foster, but his adoption would go through SVAS. Which is equally relieving and exciting to me! Because my scheduled off time for work is so late, Cynthia offered to keep Cooper overnight and return him tomorrow. This is wonderful for me as it allows my back to recoup some and also, she is able to expose him to cats and other things that I havent had the opportunity for yet. Or have been too afraid to try. Before Cynthia came, I tried out my son with Cooper and it didnt go as well as I had hoped. My son has been around Labs and knows commands like sit/down/no/good boy. So even tho I was commanding and my son was, Cooper was just too rowdy for my nearly 3-yo. If he was actually training in a session I dont think itd be a problem to have my son out with me. But just all of us hanging out in the backyard doesnt work so hot yet. So I sent my son back inside. This is something Cynthia said she could work on with Cooper while she has him. This is something I think is absolutely capable of being turned around because he wasnt agressive or anything. Just hyper active. Ha. She said he did well in the car, he just lays down and sleeps. He needs some work on loading and unloading from the vehicle however. The vet visit went well, he got his shots, microchip, and dewormer. Because he has to have dewormer for 3 days, Cynthia offered to keep him at her place to work with him and to administer the dewormer to him. He is much calmer with her and so for Cooper and for me she offered, of which Im overly greatful for! In 3 weeks when he has his boosters, we will do this again. The sore on his leg, its not real clear how he got it, but its healing well so will just let it heal on its own. The vet said that they believe Cooper to be younger than a year even, maybe around 9 mths. Cynthia said the people at the vet really made over him and I dont doubt it for a second because hes so beautiful. Im exceptionally grateful for the head collar/harness that Cynthia showed me how to use and got for Cooper. My most experience with training collars is the choke chains, and I was concerned about the one I got onto him because I tried to get it off and couldnt. And so was going to have to figure out how to cut it off, but the vet did cause it really was too small. Im not sure why the size difference from Large to Medium was so drastic. But I felt so bad about that. Im glad its off now. That was completely my fault. I shouldnt have put it on him with how tight it felt putting on. I figured once I got it on and there was still slack to train with, it was okay, I knew it wasnt choking him or hurting. But live and learn I guess - Im grateful its gone. She said he is curious about cats, loves to watch her fish, and plays well with other dogs. She has him inside which Im soooo glad for as it gives myself a better idea too. My only concern would be how he does with my son, and if my pregnancy hormones would cause him to be rambunctious in the house too. But I have been wondering also if Cooper being in the garage is causing him to be bottled up more too. She said he hasnt had any accidents in the house, he signals he needs to go out. Thats a huge Win! Cynthia also found another bag of the same dog food for him. What a gem of a lady. =] Truly. Other than that, these couple days I have without Cooper Im going to try to get some extra rest and get my house chores done that I have been putting off. When he gets back, we will attempt a walk with him and my son in a stroller to try and help Cooper expend some of that energy. If we can all go for a walk, it would be super great for Cooper, great for me too as I never seem to find the time to walk and get some exercise in, and of course I know my son would enjoy it. Cooper has incredible potential and he could be an outstanding working dog. With consistency and training he will go a long ways. He is very smart. Strong willed but smart. Between Cynthia and I, I think we can get him on the right path for this. Hes an incredible soul. =]
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 17:56:43 +0000

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