Update on Dr visits. Yesterday was a little disappointing. I had - TopicsExpress


Update on Dr visits. Yesterday was a little disappointing. I had set it in my mind I would get some clarification as to what I have and a direction to go with it. Instead the visit started out with the Dr informing us how the case in front of the tumor board went. He said with a tumor of 3 cm it use to mean immediate surgery, chemo and radiation. Not now. 1/2 the Drs said differently surgery. 1/2 said more testing. If surgery was chosen, 1/2 said a mastectomy with a left breast sentinel lymph node biopsy. 1/2 said with family history a radical mastectomy with left breast sentinel lymph node biopsy. If we chose more testing, they were 1/4 for sending the original tumor that they are preserving for help in determining procedures for treatment, 1/4 said to go through mammogram and ultrasound on right side. 1/4 said an MRI would be beneficial as a next step. 1/4 wanted to wait until the Genealogy test report is returned and they can meet again. This went on for 1 hr with every question meet with more and more choices. We then again touched on how rear male breast Cancer is and Drs can only use data for women for now. Then I got into the dark area of visits, and asked a question I was afraid to ask as I was not sure I wanted to know the answer. I mentioned that it was assumed I caught the tumor early and was that correct. He said no way of telling now. It turns out I may have had it for years just not knowing it. This shut me down for the next 1/2 hour of the visit. All I could think of was to make a surgery date and get the dam thing removed with everything it might be connected with. I finally became mad the the dam thing. I just wanted to kill it, rip it out and stomp the shit out of it. I came back to reality when Bren brought the conversation back to results expected for each of our options. We discussed these for another hour. So Bren and I were left with more knowledge than we had before. We were overloaded with knowledge and needed a brake, so in our fashion we went to Sears and started looking a replacement for our basement fridge. After supper and a few calls, we sat and talked. With Brens input and experience and my gut feelings, we decided to go forward with the double mastectomy with left breast sentinel lymph node biopsy. Today Bren is checking to see if there is an earlier surgery date available, but last week the 17th was the earliest. I do see the surgeons nurse, and I suspect the surgeon. Will probable have 5 or 6 changes in next step before then, but that is decision for now. I also found out that they will still be having my case before the tumor board so they might come up with something before my next visit with the surgeon. Not holding my breath, but could happen. disapointing.
Posted on: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 18:35:21 +0000

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