Update on Hunter: It has been a very long, scary, harrowing 10 - TopicsExpress


Update on Hunter: It has been a very long, scary, harrowing 10 days and we are just getting started. First of all I want to say a public THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart to each of you who have prayed, called, text, facebooked, and visited with us during this most difficult time. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think I would have to face something like this. But thru it all, good has come and God has carried me/us in his great big loving arms. Immediately after the accident, Hunter could feel nothing from the waist down. As of this morning, giving praise to our Heavenly Father, he has feeling down to his knees. He can now feel his bladder and they are working toward waking up those areas of his body to regain function there. Once he gets to rehab, our prayer and beliefs are that he will regain full use of his legs and WALK RIGHT OUT OF THERE!!! His BP is still not where it needs to be but his appetite has come back and he is eating now. I hope he puts the weight back on that he lost. I am asking that each of you, my prayer warriors, to pray that God will complete his work in Hunters life and restore his legs that he may once again walk and in doing so that God will use him in his service to complete the calling that is on his life. I want only for God to be honored and glorified thru this and that each person affected by this tragedy will be touched and brought closer to the Master. Remember please to pray for Kenneth. He had just taken a job in TX when this tragedy struck. He is there working 7 days a week and is naturally worried about his family. Pray that God will give him that peace that surpasseth all understanding. Pray for my girls as they are doing all that they can to tend their homes and take care of their goofy mother!! It takes a lot to tend this place and I am not in good health and they are trying to fill in the gap for Hunter. They are tired and stressed. Pray blessings over them. Again, I thank you for taking the time to read this post and for caring enough for this ole sinner gal to lift me in your prayers. God is doing great and mighty things in the lives of this family. We will turn this TRAGEDY INTO A TESTIMONY.......just you wait and see!!!!!!! Blessings I send to all of you!!!!!
Posted on: Sun, 02 Nov 2014 21:07:02 +0000

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