Update on Jaydyn: Being a Mom of a sick kid comes with so many - TopicsExpress


Update on Jaydyn: Being a Mom of a sick kid comes with so many disadvantages. The sacrifices that the family make to accommodate the sick child are sometimes very hard. The other sibling(s) feel left out and sometimes act out in frustration. Bad behavior gets a reaction when good does not. People suggest that you try to treat all children the same. But the battle is How do you? When the sick one is sick, you wonder if this will be it? When the child goes to the Hospital, Mothers usually stay with the sick one. So you battle with having someone else raise your other child(ren). It is a constant feeling of Am I doing enough? Jaydyn is doing so well right now. Hard to believe sometimes when I look at him that he is so sick. Every once awhile we get a huge reminder to how sick he actually is. A constant reminder to never get to comfortable. Life with a sick kid is the sickest version of a lesson between grateful and unconditional love. You are so grateful for each moment and so angered by the notion of a life cut short. You begin to appreciate the pain. Sounds crazy right? You begin to understand you cant have incredible joy and love without pain and sorrow. To truly know the depths of each you must feel the polar opposite. Life becomes so clear yet so cloudy. Things that once meant the world no longer matter. You make bargains with God, or at least try. Some thing like Ill give everything I have to make his heart whole. You feel so heard by God yet so incredibly ignored. The confusion of the constant roller coaster becomes so originating. Days turn into months, months to years and yet minutes take hours. You are beyond forced to live in the now. Which is also a gift. During this journey we have been blessed with our lives have become about something more than they were before. Less than a week before they both turn 2 years old. A milestone I was told Jaydyn would never make. Yet here he is, still. He refuses to get forgotten about. He continues to prove them all wrong. He continues to teach me some of the most valuables lessons in life and love. As this afternoon approaches I am gitty with excitement about Sundays Pirate Party. A day to celebrate..........for some many reasons. We head to the City (Edmonton) for Thanksgiving to find out the results of his bloodwork soon. We continue to pray for good health and no cancer for Jaydyn. Thank you to those who have continued to follow our journey. We are so grateful to those who have supported us, prayed for us, loved us, helped us, and continued to accept us. We are fighting the fight of our lives. With every ounce of energy we have. #teamjaydyn #littlewarrior
Posted on: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 18:08:22 +0000

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