Update on Joe Walley: July 27, 2014 Day 19 1:30 pm One week - TopicsExpress


Update on Joe Walley: July 27, 2014 Day 19 1:30 pm One week ago, I think I was at one my lowest points in this ordeal. Dr. Sherman wanted to move Joe from ICU to a regular room to see if getting out of ICU would help his confusion and I was so scared. He was so confused and agitated and I was afraid that I wouldnt be able to take care of him in a room. There wouldnt be a nurse looking at him at all times. It would be left up to me to be sure he was staying in bed, eating, using his breathing apparatus, and keeping his oxygen on. Watching all of this and listening to those wild stories that he truly believed happened were really difficult. Dr. Sherman sent me home to sleep at 7:00 that morning, which was impossible, but the time away from the hospital gave me the rest I needed to pull myself out of that pit of self doubt. I got back to the hospital about 1:30 that afternoon and told the ICU nurse that I was ready and lets just do it (Move him to a regular room). In just a few hours, Joe was coming back to us. The regular room was just what he needed, but that night was so hard. I wont sugar coat it. I was still plenty scared and we kept the nurses hopping pretty much the entire night. As I sit here this afternoon and remember my feelings about all that happened that day, I am reassured once more that people were praying us through that day and night. The progress Joe has made in one week is astounding. It can only be attributed to the fact that so many people......people we knew and many people we didnt.....were lifting us up in prayer! He is resting today. There is no PT and no OT, just respiratory therapy. He is listening to his Pandora and enjoying the sunshine through the window. I am sitting here looking at Micheal Walley and Anne Marie Parke as they pass some time with us. I am amazed and my heart is smiling. My world is becoming right again. Joe wanted Rameys dumplings for lunch so of course I went to get them for him. I saw many people there. Just about everyone stopped to ask about Joe. They were all genuinely concerned and thankful as I gave them a great report. Today is Sunday. I have missed three Sundays at Calvary now. I am missing being at the piano during the worship service and plan to be back next Sunday. I am where I need to be at this time. Our church family has blessed us more than I will ever be able to say. I appreciate being a part of such a loving and caring church. I cant mention Calvary Baptist Church Waynesboro without mentioning the other churches who have blessed us. Most of Joes family are members of First Baptist Church Waynesboro. Bro. Jim and Bro. Steve have been such a comfort to us in the past 19 days. We have received prayer cards from many members there. We have received prayer cards or letters from Calvary Baptist Church Waynesboro, Trinity Baptist Church in Laurel, First Baptist Church Raleigh, and Highland Baptist Church in Jackson. Many pastors have come to have prayer with Joe. One came as his newborn daughter was in NICU. She is home and doing fine, but the fact that he took time during his struggle to pray with us will never be forgotten. I wish I could remember how many people have told me that their church has us on their prayer list. It is so humbling to know friends and strangers were joining us in prayer. Thank you all for being patient with me and reading my books I write when I post an update. My heart and mind are overflowing and I feel the need to share with the people who have helped us through one of the worst periods of our lives. I hope each of you is enjoying this Sunday afternoon with friends and family doing something you enjoy doing. Dont take time together for granted. Love to all of you! Belinda
Posted on: Sun, 27 Jul 2014 19:14:36 +0000

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