Update on Kari: It was a long day yesterday for us. They put her - TopicsExpress


Update on Kari: It was a long day yesterday for us. They put her on a very high powered antibiotic for fungus called Amphotericin B. The doctors said they were sending off the tissue and fluids from her lungs to the Mayo Clinic, Seattle, and Denver. After seeing the lung, the pulmonologist and surgeon both said the tissue was blue and had hard white nodules in it. Neither had seen this color before but the lung doctor said the best comparison was a smokers lung. The lung doctor also said none of her patients has ever had two lung biopsys. The initial look at the tissue and fluids were inconclusive but they also did stains which normally take a couple days. They wanted her to start coming off some of the medicine and to wake up a little so they stopped her anxiety meds. They need to make sure she can breathe on her own before they take her off the ventilator. She started waking up and was freaking out. She mouthed the words I cant breathe. She would grab my hands and squeeze then push them away. They gave her more pain meds and she fell back to sleep. This happened a couple of times until she got really agitated and was actually writing down that she couldnt breathe and wanted more meds. The PICU doctor agreed to put her back on the anxiety meds and she fell back to sleep. She had a really restful night last night and I actually got about 6 hours of much needed sleep myself. They also cut the ventilator down and she has been pretty much breathing on her own. The breaths are not real deep but adequate. The doctors came in this morning to go over the plan for the day. They wanted to do her MRIs and cat scan of her abdomen before they take her off the ventilator so the MRIs were done at 3:00 today. They werent ready in CT so they had to bring her back up to PICU. They will be taking her back down in a little while. After that they will let her sleepy medicine wear off so she can wake up to have the ventilator tube removed. This may not be done until in the morning because the imaging has put them behind schedule. When they remove this she will be on BIPAP because she needs to be taking deep breaths. This is a mask that covers her whole face and blows oxygen down into her lungs. The doctor said its like sticking your head out a car window. She will have to stay in ICU with this on and will be fed through the feeding tube which she already has in place in her nose. She will be awake but still getting pain medicines. She is not going to be a happy camper! The surgeon came in today and took her chest tube out so that should make her happy when she wakes up. The doctors said they got the results from the stain they did of the mucus and it did not show any bacteria or fungus. They have not gotten the results of the stains from the lung tissue. The other tests can take a couple days or weeks depending on the type of test. The doctor did say they looked at her latest chest x-ray but they dont have the radiologist report yet. However, just looking at it there seems to be a small amount of improvement. This could mean that the new medicine is working and it is a fungus. The doctor also said that these antibiotics act quickly and should show some amount of improvement quickly. Even though most of the time the treatment on these antibiotics last for months. Please keep praying they figure this out fast and that Kari does well with coming off the ventilator. Thanks to all of you for your prayers, the kind words, your love, and support. It means everything to Kari and I. I know God is in control and Hes got this. Kari is in his hands and I claim His healing power over her body. In Jesus name! Amen.
Posted on: Thu, 25 Sep 2014 22:38:05 +0000

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