Update on Lily, Jake, & Ryan: Eric and I love these kids with all - TopicsExpress


Update on Lily, Jake, & Ryan: Eric and I love these kids with all of our hearts, but their behavior is on a downhill slide and we’re not able to stop it. Things had started out so well, and we were heading in the right direction. But we hit a wall a few months ago and things have escalated quickly since then. After a lot of soul searching, and several talks with the pediatrician, we finally reached out to family for help and I spoke with a social worker this morning. My aunt would like Lily to come live with her. And my cousin and his wife are willing to take Jake to live with them. Ryan will be staying with us. He is making huge strides in his speech therapy classes and preschool is a very positive influence on him. He has a long road ahead, and we have some changes to make to our household in order to provide him with the care that he needs, but I am confident that Ryan will thrive here. Lily and Jake will not. As easy as it would be to blame my sister for the hell that we are going through, some of the fault is on my shoulders. It would be convenient to toss the blame on my OCD, too, but that’s only part of the problem. I parent the way that I do because it works for ME. And my kids have come out just fine. But my style is apparently not compatible with Lily and Jake. Their violent temper tantrums, uncontrollable anger, and unwillingness to cooperate have turned my entire house into an angry beehive of negativity. None of us are happy. The pediatrician believes that separating the children may make a difference since they seem to be feeding off of each other and keeping the environment hostile. I don’t know that that’s the solution, but without many choices, we have to try it. I have had no luck in breaking several bad habits, and while I don’t know that my aunt or cousin will have any better luck, the chances of success are in their favor with only 1 child to deal with. All 3 kids need so much help, and it is just too much for me. I am ashamed to admit defeat, and I’m heartbroken to be giving up on these kids. But we cannot go on living the way that we are. I don’t know what will happen at the family court hearing in 3 weeks. I still hope that Kelee & Jay have their parental rights terminated. They have caused irreparable damage to these kids. Lily and Jake will never forget what they saw or how they lived. I cannot fix everything. But I hope that by giving the kids the individual attention that they need, we can move forward to a more positive place. I wish with all my heart that that place was TOGETHER.
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 18:34:26 +0000

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