Update on Merry the Little Pitbull who gave up on Mankind. God - TopicsExpress


Update on Merry the Little Pitbull who gave up on Mankind. God created dogs to be Mans best friend and Merry was born to be just that....no one knew that she would fall into the hands of a Demon. Battered, broken, bruised, burned and bloody describes her body but her broken heart is the saddest part. Last night when I posted an update Deb Morley and her friend Katie saw my plea. Deb cooked up a big pot of nutritious food because Merry still does not want much to eat. They also came with gifts for this sad little dog...a soft warm coat, a cozy blanket and a soft bed to rest her battered thin body on. Deb has a heart of gold for the animals and I was so happy that Merry was there to get these special gifts. But I could not help but cry when I saw the pictures below that Deb took at Ark today. Merry has been so battered and beaten down that she is afraid to walk. She will crawl and hide. If you glance at her photos you will feel her pain, the far away look in her eyes,..Yes they say the eyes are the windows to your soul and Merrys eyes tell us the story of her short life, bred to have puppies that most likely have suffered to and never knowing any love, comfort or hope. Knowing agonizing pain and withstanding all the tortures bestowed upon her. It will take months, maybe years to give her back her confidence and self worth. Any one who knows Pitbulls know they are boisterous happy energetic Loyal dogs. Merry right now is none of that. She loved the food Deb cooked for her and ate it heartily for the first time since we were called to her rescue. Please continue to forward this out for help with Vetting. Her road to recovery will be long and putting the light back in her eyes will be even longer. We at DDP are committed to do just that...PLEASE GIVE YOUR HELP. ARK PHONE DONATIONS CAN BE MADE BY CALLING 760-245-7300 PAYPAL GIFTS TO: [email protected]. ANIMAL ABUSE HAS BECOME AN EPIDEMIC AND MERRY IS AN EXAMPLE OF THE CRUELTY OUR PETS SUFFER. GOD BLESS OUR BULLYS AND DAMN BSL.....Who are the REAL MONSTERS???
Posted on: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 04:42:36 +0000

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