Update on Momma:::7.13.14-💗 Last Thursday was the BEST yet for - TopicsExpress


Update on Momma:::7.13.14-💗 Last Thursday was the BEST yet for Mom. She was sitting up in bed, speaking clearly, not complaining of pain & her skin and face were glowing; she just looked like herself again. She loves the Reiki massages Ive been giving her as well:) I was so very happy, she has angels all around her, I can feel them as I sit in her room and she brought up one in particular which was so comforting it brought tears to my eyes since she isnt one to speak of angels & spirits--AT ALL. She brought it up all on her own--out of the blue asking me if I could see her too; it was her Mom. Saying she comes to her bedside morning and night and is there with her--it made me feel so comforted to know someone is there with momma when I cant be...watching over her, soothing her and guiding the healing process. This world we live in is amazing, blows my mind everyday how truly loved & supported we are if we open ourselves enough to feel it. She is doing great now at Kernan getting 3-4 hours a day of Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, and Speech per day. She doesnt like it & wants to come home--shes already tried to break outta there twice, (I am my mothers daughter--spitfire;). Although she is aware that if she learns to walk again she will be back home ASAP, so thats the goal for now (she has been walking in PT so were getting there)! Congnitively things are still progressing slowly, but blood on the brain can take 1-9 mos to resolve fully so its just a matter of time and patience. She is doing great though-- all infections seem to be clearing nicely and her happy personality is returning. The next step towards the end of July will be a Sub-acute rehabilitation facility for more longterm care to get her to full recovery. Any suggestions on facilities in MD would be appreciated. She loves all the cards & flowers everyone has been sending & is now reading them out loud to me when I bring them, so THANK YOU all so much for that; it means the world--along with prayers and healing light! Muah!! xoxo 💗✨
Posted on: Sun, 13 Jul 2014 13:17:17 +0000

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