Update on Papa Dale. He had his open-heart surgery on Tuesday. - TopicsExpress


Update on Papa Dale. He had his open-heart surgery on Tuesday. The Doctor had to replace the main artery of his heart with one from his leg. All of his other arteries are already stinted, but the main was 100% blocked. Also, the main reason for him seeing the cardio vascular surgeon was because he had to have his aortic valve replaced. He has a pacemaker, so the surgery was a little more invasive than it would have otherwise been. The surgery went well and he is out of ICU and is in a regular room on the cardiac care unit at Deaconess in Billings. Today his heart was not beating in sync so they shocked his heart with a defibrillator to get the top and bottom beating together properly. Danny is in Billings with Mom while dad is in the hospital. Originally the doctor said he might get out on Sunday, but then with todays events, that may be on hold. Danny said the pain medicine they have dad on is making him plumb goofy -- but, that is to be expected. Rob and Cindy drove to Billings last night and visited dad today. They face-timed the great grand-sons in South Dakota. Danny said that Dad was soooo happy to see them and to get to see and visit with little Tucker and Asher -- holy technology is an amazing thing!
Posted on: Sun, 21 Sep 2014 02:36:29 +0000

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