Update on Reese Burdette (from Laura Dufford Jackson) August 30th - TopicsExpress


Update on Reese Burdette (from Laura Dufford Jackson) August 30th : after a bumpy start to the week, Reese is doing so well right now. On Tuesday we had quite the scare when Reese had an arterial aneurism. The artery in her groin at the site that once had been ECMO deteriorated so the artery had to be rebuilt all while stopping the bleeding. Once again, we were sure that Reese was in the best place in the world as the Johns Hopkins team brought her through this very touchy and scary ordeal. The team that works on her is just amazing. Since the Tuesday night scare, Reese seems to be doing so much better. They continue to slowly wean her off of her sedation medicines and each day Reese seems more alert. She has even had to be restrained some because she likes to pull at her hand braces, nightgown and tubes. ( she still has some physical strength!) More and more of her burns are now able to be left un-bandaged as she is healing so well now. Yesterday I showed Reese a few videos I had on my iPad, one of Brinkley dancing...when I did this, twice, Reese mouthed the name Brinkley. Talk about cause for celebration!! We whooped and hollered! Then I showed her the video that Regan and Brinkley made for the ALS ice bucket challenge and at the sound of Regan and Brinkleys voices, Reeses little lips started quivering, like she wanted to be a part of their shenanigans. Seeing that quivering lip was too much for us to take as the tears started rolling and our own lips started quivering! Not that this family has ever, for one second doubted that Reese is in there...but oh my golly, she is in there! She is really all there! Its just been so long since we have been able to hear that laugh and see that smile and these happenings just bring us that much closer to hearing her musical laughter again. She really responded to the voices of family yesterday, squeezing our hand again when we asked her to and even sticking her tongue out at us when we asked. She seems to be soothed by being read to and she enjoys movies playing. Thanks to those that have sent her movies and books...they are being put to good use right now. Once again, if I could just give you a small glimpse of what Claire and Justin are like during this...so strong, so unwavering, so dependent on one another, so comforting to others...they are so good to the staff at Hopkins, and every day, they get up with a positive attitude and outlook on life. Each and every day, they amaze me with their strength, love and devotion. For those of you that know these two, count your selves as so lucky...they are two extraordinary individuals and we all know that Reese is made up of all of these same qualities. She continues to prove her strength to the world each and every day. I dont ever mean to diminish the rest of the family that is experiencing this tragedy...from Mom and Mikey, Dad and Melinda to Jimmy and Nina...Zach and Charity, Kyle and Kristen, Kevin, sweet Brinkley and Regan...all of the cousins, aunts and uncles, step siblings and close friends that have been by our side all through this situation. We all thank those that have offered support. We all focus on the sun shining and the brighter days that we are sure are ahead. For specific prayers, this is what we ask: Pray for continued healing of the lungs, no infections and pray for some smooth sailing for Reese, I think she is overdue for that!
Posted on: Sat, 30 Aug 2014 22:39:07 +0000

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