Update on Tom: Since getting this darn staph pneumonia, it has - TopicsExpress


Update on Tom: Since getting this darn staph pneumonia, it has derailed our getting Tom weaned off the ventilator. We had made such great progress, but we have encountered a little bump in the road. Today he is better than yesterday and we have not had any AFIB instances in 48-hours now. We had to increase support on the ventilator as his lungs heal from this new pneumonia, but we will begin weaning him back off that support tomorrow. He shaved himself for the most part this morning with very little help from me and thank goodness neither of us slit his throat using a razor and shaving cream -- he had to have his close shave. No worries though, the razors provided by the hospital, well I will just say it is more like sawing logs than shaving. We will try tomorrow to get him in a sitting position again, but sometimes that scares the heck out of him as when you put him upright, the fluids in his lungs shift and it is like it knocks the wind out of him, very painful. I have been working in his physical therapy daily and have found that he is able to push a little harder with his feet, but it will take awhile before he will be walking, let alone running any races. So we just have to continue to pray for progress and take one day at a time. We both are pretty much exhausted by the end of each day. I am praying for Tom to stay strong, both emotionally and physically as his body recovers. The medications toy with his emotions and the setbacks do too. He is one amazing man though, and he will be healed and come home soon. I cant say when at this point and know it is not in the near future. But I do pray that we are in our home by Thanksgiving, as we are going to have a big family gathering in Celebration of Life. But most importantly I pray for Tom to be healed, with a complete restoration of his body, mind and spirit. Come home for the holiday babe, I miss you so.
Posted on: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 00:58:17 +0000

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