Update on Townes by his mother, along with some great pics of - TopicsExpress


Update on Townes by his mother, along with some great pics of Townes in his stroller and sitting in his big sisters lap. Doesnt he look great?! Praising the Lord for his progress. We are still chugging along with training and getting ready for home. Our goal date is set for June 18th. Next week we will be doing a transport trail (this should be interesting), and we will have to go three consecutive days of doing everything on our own without any help from the hospital staff (unless needed). They have really gone above and beyond helping us out and teaching us everything we need to know, and then some. We have had fun and I have met some wonderful people through this journey. Townes is doing fantastic. He really and truly is. He was fitted for a stroller/wheelchair and since it takes so long to get processed, we were given a loaner. He LOVES it. We got to go for our first outing with it this week and stroll around outside! He looks like such a big boy in it. Yesterday, SG begged and begged to hold T. Of course we had to let her. Who could resist when she is sitting in the rocking chair patting her lap saying Come on Townsy Wownsy, Come on! T has learned to reach for objects, but has never reached for faces unless prompted to. He went right for SGs. It made my mom and I tear up. It was pure magic, for a solid two minutes when SG announced Otay, my done. My need to sit by myself now. Eyes straight ahead. On we go.
Posted on: Sun, 08 Jun 2014 20:01:14 +0000

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