Update on all the life changing events this past week.... We had - TopicsExpress


Update on all the life changing events this past week.... We had Moms funeral yesterday and the viewing went as planned. We loaded her body into the Hurst and started the procession to the cemetery. Upon arriving at the cemetery we find No Tent, No Chairs and the Funeral Director and I look into the hole to find there was also No Vault!!! Now Im beyond P.O.d... so they are on the phone calling to find out who dropped the ball and how long till everything would be there... So it was then decided to go have the food and refreshments that was to be after the funeral now and the funeral director would call my Dad when it was ready. so we leave and an hour later the call comes to return to the cemetery.... We get to the cemetery and I look at the Funeral Director and say hey Moms says her body is getting hot in the back of the Hurst and she wants it out of there! He says yea I think that would be a good idea, so we carry her casket from the Hurst to the rails and everything is going well. it is over now and people are leaving and the guy from the vault company is lowering her down into the vault and he gets a funny look on his face and I ask what is wrong he says look down there... Moms casket would not go in the vault! He had to bring her body back up and put her on the vault trailer so he could get the vault out while waiting for them to bring the right size vault after he called and ripped their asses. So he puts her on the trailer and drives it over under a shade tree. I looked at them and said I forgot to tell yas Mom did not like confined spaces and she looked down and seen the vault and sad no way! While we are waiting for the new vault I told them Mom was a fighter and this was gonna be one to remember.. She road in the most expensive vehicle ever for her The Hurst $100,000.00 car and that wasnt good enough she had to ride on the trailer and sit under the shade tree also before her body going into the ground!!! So the Bigger vault gets there they Bring her casket over and put it in the new Vault which by the way was several upgrades from the other now there is approximately 4 inches of space all the way around her casket they put the lid on the vault pick it up and proceed to put it in the ground... Moms still not finished fighting and having her fun! They are lowering the vault into the ground it get halfway to the bottom and stops!!! No I personally had help measure the width of this hole from many angles and there should have been at least 2 extra inches to play with clearance wise.But No Halfway down Moms head-end wanted to go down but here foot-end didnt it kept binding. They would bring it up and down and use a digging bar but it wouldnt go. It got to the point 4 guys are standing on the foot-end bouncing and it finally scraped past the point and finished the travel to the bottom! moms still not done with her fun! Now they cant get the cables loose from around the vault, they worked and worked till finally the cables were free at this point Im laughing so hard. I looked at the funeral director and said I came here to bury my Moms old worn out body and there is one thing I must do to finish that He said whats that I Responded I need to throw the 1st shovel of dirt in He said get a shovel and start it off I got a shovel of dirt and threw it up on the head-end and then grabbed another shovel of dirt and threw it on the Foot-end and looked in the hole and said Mom your done, your body is finally at rest! Looked up at the sky and said I Love You Mom! Mom sure knew how to keep me strong and make me smile in a bad time. She fought to the very very end even her body going in the ground and made me laugh as well as gave me this funny story to share and to hold onto the rest of my life. I couldnt cry if I wanted too because only My Mom could have such a delay in going into the ground! God Bless You all!!!! Scott
Posted on: Sun, 13 Apr 2014 16:47:16 +0000

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