Update on mom---Yesterday I think she was feeling a bit stronger. - TopicsExpress


Update on mom---Yesterday I think she was feeling a bit stronger. She still wants to keep her eyes shut--but will open them when asked. I helped her with her lunch and she ate pretty good. After lunch brushed her hair and washed her face and put on some Avon cream on her face. If you know my mom she did the cream every day--she has beautiful skin~! So i think she was happy to have that done. Also put some moisture therapy lip ointment on her dry lips. She liked that. She had Therapy and sat on the side of the bed for about 20 mins. by herself. Way to go Mom! Had a bit of double vision when sitting--but when she laid back down she was back to only seeing 2 eyes. Nurse said this something happens when someone has had a stroke. Should get better as time goes on. She also stood twice--first time was longer then the 2nd--she was getting a bit tired by then. Heart Dr. says all is well with her heart. Therapist was in and talking about the options for when she is ready for that. Neurologist was also in -- not sure what he decided. Talked about how many days she was there with 2 other Dr.s --will learn later what they were up to. Blood levels are where they belong--that is so good--they were high when she came in. Was great seeing her smile-and she does that alot when dad says things to her and also she thought Bob was funny a few times. Great seeing her smile. Forgot the camera yesterday but will take it with me today--if she is doing ok i will take a pic. Only stayed till 3 --i know she and dad both need their rest. I was hoping leaving Dad he would fall asleep for a few. He has not been sleeping. He needs to keep himself healthy. But you know dad--he thinks of mom first. He did not sleep the night before--hope he got some rest last night. Good luck to Lynne --she is having bunion surgery today. Off to the VA in Detroit this morning and then will stop at the hospital to see mom and dad. Have to get home and get all my Avon orders ready for delivery. Going to be another long day. Prayers always welcome! Have a great (warm) day all!
Posted on: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 11:33:47 +0000

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