Update on my McDougall Challenge (answering questions) for those - TopicsExpress


Update on my McDougall Challenge (answering questions) for those who are interested. (If youre not interested, or, if you just want to express your stance that grains are evil, then feel most welcome to move along to the next door ;) ). 1. Its not an existing challenge, I just decided to try the McDougall Diet for 30 days. I take recipes from his website and from his Program for Maximum Weightloss book which I bought years ago to educate myself about his teachings. 2. I am no longer an admin for RT4, so theres in no way, shape or form a conflict of interest. And even if there were, I never signed a contract saying I would never eat any other way than high fruitarian. Yet I did, for almost 4 years. I go by my own parameters, no one elses. Only I can decide what works for me, what continues to work for me and whether I need a change of flavour. ;) I will ALWAYS eat vegan, and high carb, and live vegan to the absolute best of my abilities. 3. I was having some digestion issues lately for some reason on a high fruit diet. Those were: an uneasy feeling in my tummy, before, during and after my meals, bloating after eating, and acid reflux, especially after eating dates. Im not sure why, or if it was because of the cooked food I was having in the evenings, but I blame it on the bad quality of organic fruit here in NL, not on the lifestyle. And, I lost 15 kilos on the high fruit lifestyle, after 2 years of being on that lifestyle. Then, my weightloss ceased for almost 2 years, even though I still had some 7-10 kilos to lose. So, I had been on a weightloss plateau for almost 2 years. I had accepted that, and always assumed the rest would come off when my body was ready to release it. 4. I have no prior history of celiacs or gluten sensitivity, Ive always been perfectly able to digest gluten without any problems. So, I am including wheat products. All organic, though. I also (maybe due to my heritage) never had a problem digesting spicy food. So, even though Ive stayed away from it so far, I wont shun red chili peppers and other spices for flavour. I DO NOT EAT BREAD AT ALL. 5. Im keeping a detailed food log during these 30 days, but will use it for designing a course for Carbology. So I wont reveal it just now. ;) McDougall Ground Rules: * No minimum amount of calories, its an *Eat Until Youre Satisfied* mentality, and *Eat more when youre more hungry*. Ive however been eating a minimum of 2500 calories, effortlessly. On Day 3 I even had over 3000 calories. * Reduce the use of dried fruits and juices, instead, have a starch-based meal. * Use no oil, no avo, no nuts, seeds and no high fat tofu. Silken tofu is okay, as an addition, as its super low-fat * Salt, garlic, chillies, onions etc are optional, you can use them to give flavour to a dish, however, Ive used some steamed white onion, and one time, for one meal, a very small pinch of sea salt. None of the other spices so far. * Keep protein under 15% and fat under 5%, the rest carbs. * Opt for whole grains over anything refined or processed So, what Ive been having: Breakfast: Sweet Couscous (cup of couscous, some fruit, I had strawberries, banana and oranges, not at the same time, and a splash of maple syrup) Lunch: Steamed (white) rice with fresh veggies, alternating the veggies. Ive steamed the rice with half a cub of sodium-reduced organic veggie bouillon. I added raw tomato and fresh parsley to it. Dinner: Wheat pasta or potatoes, steamed and baked in the oven, or tacos, with a side salad of iceberg, romaine and non-sweet fruits Ive been drinking around 3 liters of water throughout each day. I dont exercise much at all, but I do tend to walk or bike everywhere I need to go. I do T25 when I feel like it, I dont beat myself up over it. On average, I walk about an hour a day in a brisk pace. ~ From the very first meal on, there were no uneasy tummy feelings whatsoever. ~ I started releasing water weight on day 3. ~ I feel calmer, and more at ease around meal-time ~ On day 4, my skin broke out a little, and I was having some common detox problems ~ On day 5, that settled again ~ The dishes are so lovely, it feels like such a blessing to be eating this way. I dont over-eat, on RT4 I managed around 3000 calories daily. On McDougall, I find that 2500 is enough. ~ The first 2 days I was very thirsty, probably owing to having more cooked food. But that settled, and now I aim for 3 liters of water, as usual. Those are my findings so far. :) Sorry for the long essay. Will give another update next week.
Posted on: Tue, 08 Jul 2014 07:00:40 +0000

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