Update on the alley situation . . . . Back story: Last week I - TopicsExpress


Update on the alley situation . . . . Back story: Last week I posted a true story (Tragedy of the Commons) about my civic-minded neighbor Fatima, who was going around the neighborhood asking people to contribute money so she could get the alleyway that runs in back of our houses fixed up. She talked to more than a dozen people who drive through the alley, but only three were willing to kick in any money to pay for the project. As a result, Fatima had to pay a significant amount from her own pocket, in addition to the time she put in lining up the job. The bill came to $1300 including materials, which is a bargain, considering that it took two men two full days of labor. There is no reason why most of neighbors could not help out with this project, especially when you consider that most of them are well off compared to Fatima, who is a single working mother. My next door neighbor, Jim, has several cars, including a newer 4 X 4 truck that he drives through the alley every day. I know that Jim can damn well afford to help, but when I asked him to pitch in, he refused to contribute a cent. That really chapped my hide, so I wrote a letter (text below) and dropped it off at his house. Ill let you know whether he has a change of heart. . Notes: . –Ive included a link to the flyer I mention in the comments below. –The photos show the alley before and after, and Jims truck. . ***************************** January 18, 2015 . Dear Jim: . Here’s a copy of the flyer our neighbor F_____ sent around after the alley was finished, just in case you didn’t get one. The work ended up taking two full days instead of one because of the rain. But it was a good job. The alley is drivable once again, and this should last for at least two or three more years. The final bill for this was $1300, most of which Fartun paid out of pocket. . I helped F_____ out with $100 even though I don’t drive on the alley. Unlike me, you do drive on this alley . . . with your big truck. Therefore you should chip in at least as much as I did. I wouldn’t ask if I thought you couldn’t afford this. But I know that you can afford this. . Perhaps this is a good time to remind you of how other people chipped in and helped you out when you were so sick a few years back. All summer, when you were in the hospital, I came over and mowed your lawn, picked up your mail, looked after the house and so on. I did this gladly and without asking anything in return, simply because you are my neighbor. Now that a neighbor needs your help, how can you turn her down? Wouldn’t that be a poor way to show your appreciation for the help others have given you? . I hope you’ll do the right thing and contact F_____ about this. . Sincerely, David
Posted on: Sun, 18 Jan 2015 18:37:40 +0000

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