Update to Super Ultra Lamar U FGC Version 11/9/14 Salty Hype - TopicsExpress


Update to Super Ultra Lamar U FGC Version 11/9/14 Salty Hype Edition 144p HD Remix - Schedule - https://docs.google/spreadsheets/d/1M707zEjuWJCHuRLKgUojPdRoiaP4Sthjn3Wh4fHE75A/edit?usp=sharing USFIV Statistics - https://docs.google/spreadsheets/d/1am0P-OngHgaY1h4tQhO3l5gyjOICI0TDERGTfQaSPMk/edit?usp=sharing Alright guys, 2015 will be the start of something huge for us. Please take the time to read through this post, so you can fully understand what is going on. A.) SCHEDULE – So this turned out a little weird, just because we had to cancel a few dates due to building issues, but I’ve condensed most things. LOCATIONS are still SUPER debatable. So take everything right now as TENATIVE unless otherwise told. The special notes are mostly for fun. And I themed every month around something for the games to fit in. The Special themes, are themes for certain days, so like, look like the fresh prince from the 90s or come and eat chocolate and cry because you’re lonely like me on Valentine’s Day. #profoundsadness. Hopefully people participate, and that will be fun. B.) BIG MONEY BRAWLZ SEASON ONE – We have now broken the year into 3 ‘seasons’. They match up with school semesters, [spring, summer, and fall] just to make our lives easier. The reason we are breaking things into seasons, is so that we can make our time together into something bigger as a whole, and make each victory mean something in the grand scheme of things. As of now, we play a tournament, gg out, then call it a day. Now we will have something to work for 1.) SEASON POINTS – This season Ultra Street Fighter IV and Project M players will be receiving points based on their placing in our tournaments. At the end of the season we will hand out prizes accordingly based on your placing. The better the placing, the better the prize. We are still working out the finer details on those, but I’m hoping to give them out to the top 16ish players. That way even people who are lower in the pack, can have something to strive for, and get better. Points will be given out accordingly [21st - 1pt, 19th - 3pt, 17th - 5pt, 15th - 7pt, 13th - 9pt, 11th - 11pt, 9th - 13pt, 7th - 15pt, 5th - 17pt, 4th - 18pt, 3rd - 19pt, 2nd - 20pt, 1st - 21pt] The low difference in points allows for people to grind out their score over time, instead of getting a huge lead and not being able to be cached. Each season everyone will also receive one ‘grace tournament’ meaning your lowest tournament performance or absentee will be dropped, that way people can worry about real life issues over video games and not be punished, while still rewarding players who show up consistently. 2.) ROAD TO DABES – At the end of each season we will hold an event called ‘Road to Dabes’ Where we take the top 8 season players, and put them into a single elimination, seeded, 3/5 bracket and have them go ham to see who is the best. Winner takes all for a mystery prize. We will have them play on a projector and it really will be a great event to watch the top players in our community duke it out for pride. C.) STATISTICS – Well I put a TON of work into this over the winter, and the Street Fighter one is basically done for now, and thanks to Cody we should have the Smash one rolling out in a week or two. Remember guys, this is just something I do in my spare time, so I really don’t want to take any flack over it. But I’ll take some time to explain what’s going on here. 1.) OFFICIAL RANKINGS – So this is one of the main take away from the whole sheet. I’ve inputted every tournament game that we have records of from Challonge. Every match. So there is a TON of data here. The way the official rankings work is off of an ELO system. Everyone starts out with 1300 points. After that you can go up, or down. Based on who you play, is how drastic your points will move. So like, if a 900 point player loses to a 2000 point player, they won’t lose but maybe a single point or two, and the winner may only gain a point or two. While if the 2000 point loses in an upset to the 900 point player, they may gain/lose hundreds of points. The idea being that showing you can beat someone better is a much better demonstration of skill than getting ran over by one of the best. Another thing to note, your first 8 matches are a sort of ‘placement’ time, where you points fluctuate heavily, and after that the change in points is lower, and less drastic. I’ve also assigned Tiers based on your points, it’s really just for fun, and I would be happy to take if off if you guys don’t like it. They are just based on gaps in points from others. 2.) SEASON RANKINGS – This is just a reflection on the points explained earlier about season rankings. 3.) MONEY MATCH RANKINGS – This is a resurgence of something we used to do. This is entirely optional, and if anyone would not like to participate, just let me know, and I will be more than happy to let you off, completely scotch free. This bracket is literally just for swag. Everyone has an original ranking based on the end of ‘Season 0’ ELO. The only way to go up in this bracket is to challenge the person directly ahead of you to a Money Match, minimum of a dollar. If you lose, you give them your money, and you do not proceed [though you do not go down either]. If you win, you take both their money, and their spot on the rankings. You may only challenge one person a day if you lose. If you win, you may continue to challenge people until you lose. If you were the person in the higher spot, and lose, you may not have a salty runback on the same day. If you try and challenge someone and they either decline you, or do not show up to our weeklies, 3 times in a row [strikes] on the third strike, they DQ and you automatically advance, as if you were to have won. If this happens twice, they drop down to the last spot of players who are currently active. New players to the group, must start at the bottom, and swag their way to the top. FAQ: NO YOU MAY NOT CHALLENGE SOMEONE TOWARDS THE TOP AND SKIP RANKS. You must bust the pierce the heavens, and destroy the ceiling above you with your hands alone. 4.) MATCHUPS – This is a diagram of all players versus all players. The chart is probably flipped compared to what you are used to, but this is due to ergonomic reading issues. It reads as a reflection of the vertical players winnings against the horizontal player. So to check yourself out, find your name in a column, and read down. 5.) OTHER TABS – The other tabs on the spreadsheet all have their own reasons for existing. The rules and explanations just kind of writes everything out for explanation. Most of it I just ran through, though it does explain the rules for the game specifically, and also explains the idea of Active vs Inactive players, which is how I deal with keeping things relevant. If someone doesn’t show up, they’re taken off, if someone new comes, I’ll add them basically. Money Match data tab just shows a history of Money matches over time. The Match History is the tab of raw data I used to calculate everything. Both the comprehensive tabs are exactly like the other ones, except they contain the data of both active, and inactive players, while the others only includes active, and the Season tabs are just reflection of the current or final data sets of that reflected time. Also FYI Season 0 just means pre-season 1 effectivly. 6.) FUTURE - Eventually I want to add individual player tabs that will track how players do over time with charts and graphs, but due to my limited time as is, don’t expect that til like, idk, Christmas. =/ ****Resources**** Group Usernames and Platforms: https://facebook/notes/lamar-u-fgc/usernames-and-platforms/536913326390175 Resources for Beginners to Fighting Games: https://facebook/notes/lamar-u-fgc/resources-for-beginners-to-fighting-games/565481213533386 cellculturedish/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/January-18-300x336.png
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 23:45:50 +0000

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