Updated : 2014-12-18 21:46 The Korea Times Constitutional - TopicsExpress


Updated : 2014-12-18 21:46 The Korea Times Constitutional Court to decide on disbanding of UPP 통합진보당 운명 19일 결정…헌재 정당해산심판 선고 The Constitutional Court will today rule on whether the Unified Progressive Party (UPP) should be disbanded because it pursued pro-North Korean activities in violation of the Constitution. Officials of the court said Thursday that it will announce its judgment at 10 a.m. on Friday, which will be broadcast live. Court President Park Han-chul exercised his authority to set the final date and time. It was the first time since the court was established in 1988 that it has deliberated over whether to disband a political party. The ruling will come about 13 months after the Ministry of Justice filed for the ultra-left party to be dissolved after UPP lawmaker Lee Seok-ki was arrested on charges of plotting to overthrow the government by means of an armed insurrection. The ministry claimed that the partys doctrines support North Koreas constitution and that its activities were against the democratic order. But the party claimed that its progressive democracy doctrine is nothing to do with North Korea but that it represents a new form of progressive politics. The court can order the UPP to be disbanded if six or more of its nine justices decide in favor of the action. Such a decision would be effective immediately. As related laws do not state whether lawmakers of a disbanded political party should lose their seats in the National Assembly, the court will also make a ruling on this. The ministry earlier asked the court to deprive the UPPs five lawmakers of their seats if it rules in favor of dissolving the party. Public attention is currently focused on the political leaning of the courts nine justices. This is usually indicative of who nominated them for the positions. Of the nine, three were recommended by the President, three by the Supreme Court chief justice, one by the ruling party, one by the opposition party and one after an agreement reached by the ruling and opposition party. One member of the UPP claimed that the majority of the nine justices are conservative, including the three recommended by the President, another three by the Supreme Court head who was also appointed by the President, and one recommended by the ruling party. Of them, President Park of the court was recommended by former President Lee Myung-bak in 2011. He was the first prosecutor-turned-chief of the Constitutional Court. Justice Ahn Chang-ho, recommended by the ruling Saenuri Party, is also a former prosecutor who investigated an espionage case involving a pro-North Korea group Ilsimhoe. The other seven are former lower court judges: Lee Jung-mi, only female justice who is regarded as liberal; Kim Yi-su, recommended by the former opposition Democratic Party; Lee Jin-sung and Kim Chang-jong were recommended by Supreme Court Chief Justice Yang Sung-tae during the Lee administration; Cho Yong-ho and Seo Ki-seog were recommended by President Park Geun-hye; and Kang Il-won was recommended by ruling and opposition partys agreement. After the ruling date was set, the UPP launched a rally at the Assembly to oppose the possible disbanding order. We suspect that the court hastens the ruling, so Cheong Wa Dae can avoid trouble that came from a former presidential aides alleged influence-peddling scandal, said the party in a press release. The court should make a decision according to the Constitution without being influenced by political pressure. [email protected] 통합진보당 운명 19일 결정…헌재 정당해산심판 선고 오늘 오전 마지막 평의…정당활동정지 가처분 사건도 함께 선고 헌법재판소가 오는 19일 통합진보당 정당해산심판 선고를 한다. 헌재는 정당해산심판 선고기일을 19일 오전 10시로 확정해 심판 청구인인 법무부와 피청구인인 진보당에 통보했다고 17일 밝혔다. 헌재는 정당활동정지 가처분 신청에 대한 결정도 함께 선고할 예정이다. 모든 절차는 방송으로 생중계된다. 통상 매월 마지막 주 목요일이 헌재의 정기 선고기일이지만, 이번 심판의 재판장인 박한철 헌재소장이 민사소송법을 준용해 직권으로 특별기일을 지정한 것으로 전해졌다. 박 소장은 지난 10월 헌재에 대한 국정감사 오찬 자리에서 금년 내 선고하게 될 것이라고 언급한 바 있다. 헌재는 2004년 대통령 탄핵심판 때도 5월 11일 선고기일을 통보, 사흘 뒤인 14일 금요일에 선고한 적이 있다. 재판관들은 이날 오전 마지막 평의를 열고 심리를 마친 것으로 알려졌다. 당초 오는 22∼24일께 선고할 것이라는 관측이 지배적이었으나 선고기일이 예상보다 앞당겨 정해졌다. 헌재는 재판관 9명 중 6명 이상이 찬성해야 정당해산을 결정할 수 있다. 헌재가 해산을 명하면 즉시 효력이 발생한다. 이로써 내년 1월 말 선고할 것으로 예상되는 이석기 진보당 의원 등에 대한 대법원 형사 판결보다 헌재 선고가 앞서게 됐다. 법무부는 작년 11월 진보당의 목적과 활동이 헌법에 반한다며 헌정사상 유례없는 정당해산심판을 청구했다. 법무부와 진보당은 지난달 25일까지 18차례에 걸친 공개변론을 통해 치열한 법리 공방을 벌여왔다. 법무부는 2천907건, 진보당은 908건의 서면 증거를 각각 제출했다. 이 사건 각종 기록은 A4 용지로 약 17만쪽에 달했다. (연합뉴스)
Posted on: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 23:07:44 +0000

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