Updates and why they take so freaking long... Ive been getting - TopicsExpress


Updates and why they take so freaking long... Ive been getting a lot of pms lately asking me about OPERATION: Break the Dawn. So... I thought Id just answer things here. Maybe that will appease a few minds. 1. Do I plan to finish the story? Yes, I finish every story I post. 2. Why havent I updated since May? Two-fold... For one, unfortunately RL is being a giant pain. As Ive briefly mentioned, Im in the middle of moving across the Atlantic. On top of that, my project at work is going full blast (hence why Im moving), so Im working 60+ hours a week. Secondly, O:BtD just takes me a long time to write. I do a lot of research for this fic. Little stuff that most people probably dont even notice, I look up and try to get right. I dont know why Im so obsessive about it... I just am. But more than that, for whatever reason, I find that I can write this fic at a pace of no more than 500-600 words per hour. That means that for a chapter like Ch15, I need a solid 18+ hours of time, just for the actual typing part, not including the obsessive editing I usually wind up doing. And I need those hours in big chunks of time. 5 minutes here and there just doesnt get it done. Unfortunately, due to the aforementioned RL stuff, that kind of time is tough to come by right now. 3. Do I have an update schedule? Id love to say I update once a month, but we all know thats not been happening these last few chapters. I do the best I can. 4. When will I update again? Soon. Thats the best I can give you. Next week? Maybe. Im trying. 5. Why am putting this on FB? IDK, just wanted you guys to know Im trying.
Posted on: Fri, 01 Aug 2014 00:38:00 +0000

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