Uphold Revolutionary Heritage of Russian and Chinese - TopicsExpress


Uphold Revolutionary Heritage of Russian and Chinese Revolutions on 7th November and 1st October the revolutionary masses all over the world observe the anniversaries of 1917 October Revolution in Russia which led to the creation of the first proletarian state, Soviet Union, and of 1949 Chinese Revolution which led to the founding of the People’s Republic of China. These revolutions along with the founding of people’s democracies in a number of East European countries and victories of national liberation movements in North Vietnam and North Korea had challenged the US led global imperialist system, creating a situation when the east wind of socialism looked like overthrowing it once for all. By 1950s, the socialist values and national liberation movements were on the upsurge all over the world. But this situation changed very fast. The weaknesses manifested in Soviet Union in putting forward an alternative development paradigm and a proletarian democratic model challenging the bourgeois democratic model had started strengthening the state capitalist concepts under growing bureaucratic tendencies. The Soviet Union and the socialist forces in general failed to grasp the counter revolutionary nature of the post-Second World War neo-colonial offensive by the US led imperialist camp to confront the socialist challenge. As a result, even while the anti-imperialist and socialist forces were advancing all over the world the qualitative changes needed to combat the neo-colonial offensive was lacking. This soon led to many compromises and the bureaucratic forces succeeded in usurping power in all fields by the time of the 20th Congress of the CPSU in 1956 beginning the open transformation of it to state capitalism under bureaucratic dictatorship. Undaunted by it and trying to learn lessons from it the CPC under the leadership of Mao Tsetung had launched the Great Debate against the capitalist roaders. It once again spread revolutionary enthusiasm around the world including the great national liberation struggle in Vietnam and neighbouring countries. But these efforts could not be carried forward in spite of launching the Cultural Revolution in China for continuing the class struggle under proletarian power. The sectarian forces came to dominance in the CPC briefly with their new era concept, and they paved the way for the capitalist roaders to openly usurp power by suppressing the socialist forces soon after death of Mao in 1976. The Transformation of socialist China also in to state capitalism under bureaucratic dictatorship and the disintegration of Soviet Union by 1991 have led to severe setbacks to the international communist movement. It was celebrated by the imperialist camp and its lackeys as the end of history and of socialism. In spite of these setbacks, the epochal revolutions in Russia and China and the efforts made for socialist transformation have proved that the imperialist system can be overthrown and a socialist alternative can be developed, once proper lessons are drawn from the erstwhile weaknesses and the proletarian forces and oppressed masses are mobilized according to concrete conditions of toady. The international developments after the dawn of the new millennium when the imperialist system is confronting ever-intensifying crises and the increasing number of great upsurges of the working class and oppressed peoples all over the world point out that, in spite of all setbacks, all hitherto revolutions and sacrifices have not gone in vain. The spirit of great October of 1917 and the CPC’s march to Beijing in 1949 are still inspiring the revolutionary forces. Let us learn from both positive and negative lessons from them and get mobilized for a final sweep to overthrow imperialism and its lackeys and to usher in days of socialist transformation around the world. Long Live the Revolutionary Contributions of Russian and Chinese Revolutions!
Posted on: Sun, 06 Oct 2013 16:36:02 +0000

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