Upon checking into the B&B establishment the front desk - TopicsExpress


Upon checking into the B&B establishment the front desk receptionist expicitly tells you that dinner ends at 9pm sharp. You thank them and proceed to your room with the intention of napping for an hour or so before heading down to the dining area. Youre awoken by a thunderous rumble; your intestines reporting to you that it is time to replenish your stomach with food - something youd last done in the morning before heading to the remotest hinterland of northen KZN. When one wakes up suddenly from a deep slumber there is that brief moment of incoordination which can sometimes be accompanied by the brain pleading ignorance of its surroundings. You wake up and look at the wall, searching for the familiar sight of your moon-faced bedroom clock staring down at you, as if expecting some form of reward for its dexterity in keeping a proper record of the time while you slept. It isnt there! In its place stands those worthless paintings that ardon the walls of most accommodation establishments. Again the rumbling tummy, this time assisted by the raspy voice of Mark Williams giving a post match analysis on television. Youre wide awake now and aware of the surroudings, as well as the gnawing hunger pangs. You consult your cellphone for time. 9:14?! Hhawe ma! Your mind rewinds to the conversation you had with the receptionist: Dinner closes at 9pm sharp! Eish, ngilambe kanje?! Now youre fumbling with the phone, calling reception. Hello, I overslept...Im hungry, can you please tell the kitchen people to at least give me a takeway before they close? I dont care if they take it out of the bin. Please sisi, ngafa umphangazane! The lady on the other side pauses briefly, she is trying to make sense of the emergency. Finally she answers: Bhuti, angazi kahle ukuthi ukhuluma ngani; angithi ngikuchazelile nje ukuthi sivala ngo 9, manje u-ten past seven... Ten past seven? You take a another look at the cellphone. Indeed the lady is right. The time is now 19:18. It dawns upon you that in your sleep induced attention deficit you misread the time, interpreting 19:14 as 9:14. Youre so relieved that as you head for the bathroom to take a bath the following thought enters your head. Why dont I strip down naked, engage the cellphone camera, record a Pastor Zondo video and post the same on the world wide web? You decide against the idea. It is never a good thing to upstage your elders. But thats besides the point. I came here to report that right now my stomach is so full I can barely button my jeans. Yikho senginikhulumela ukusutha kwami kuhlwile nje. Ehhe. Ngiyanilaya. Khona niyoyeka ukuthanda izindaba.
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 19:55:59 +0000

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