Upon entering the convention hall for the first session of the - TopicsExpress


Upon entering the convention hall for the first session of the 86th National FFA Convention, not as a member in my blue cordory but as just a normal college student, I realized a few things. First, how I have been so blessed to have the opportunity to be apart of and serve this wonderful organization for the past 5 years. I would not be where I am today or who I am today if it werent for the FFA. Second, how thankful I am for everyone who has entered my life and that I have met through the FFA, I have made some of my best friends here. Also how thankful I am for everyone that has pushed me and supported me in reaching my goals I had set and who continue to push me for my future goals, I love you all for that. And lastly, but certainly not least, the realization of knowing exactly what I want to do upon graduation, teach high school agriculture education. Our nations Ag Teachers are some of the hardest workers I know and selflessly put in hours upon hours into our nations youth in the hope that one day those students will become successful agriculturists. So thank you National FFA Organization for the impact that you have had on my life.
Posted on: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 21:08:27 +0000

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